Package: statistics-regression-pm Version: 0.53 Revision: 3 Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/I/IA/IAWELCH/Statistics-Regression-%v.tar.gz Type: perl BuildDepends: test-pod-pm UpdatePOD: True Source-Checksum: SHA256(2cc53e3996dda4dceb5d7a794ba15107adb7a6614e19b485c0b8e47a5ab8b69a) DocFiles: Changes README DescPackaging: << Former Maintainer: Koen van der Drift << Description: Perl module for weighted linear regression DescDetail: << Statistics/ is a multivariate linear regression package. That is, it estimates the c coefficients for a line-fit of the type y= c(0)*x(0) + c(1)*x1 + c(2)*x2 + ... + c(k)*xk given a data set of N observations, each with k independent x variables and one y variable. Naturally, N must be greater than k---and preferably considerably greater. Any reasonable undergraduate statistics book will explain what a regression is. Most of the time, the user will provide a constant ('1') as x(0) for each observation in order to allow the regression package to fit an intercept. << License: Artistic Maintainer: None Homepage: