Info2: << Package: time-human-pm Version: 1.03 Revision: 1 Description: Convert localtime() format to speech text License: Artistic Maintainer: Steve Huff Type: perl Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/J/JH/JHOBLITT/Time-Human-%v.tar.gz Source-Checksum: SHA256(90e9812b89eb2f5773b3c0872a9b8bfb61fda3c6a4570d1a6610771926d7f976) SourceDirectory: Time-Human-%v UpdatePOD: true DocFiles: Changes BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12) DescDetail: << This module provides a "vague" rendering of the time into natural language; it's originally intended for text-to-speech applications and other speech-based interfaces. It's fully internationalised: if you look at the code, you'll see a global variable called %Time::Human::templates, which you can fill in for other languages. If you do multinationalise it, please send me templates for other languages to be added to future releases. You can set the default language via the global variable $Time::Human::Language. $Time::Human::Evening and $Time::Human::Night decide the hours at which afternoon turns to evening and evening turns to night in your culture. For instance, Greeks may want evening to start at 11pm; for hackers, evening may start at 3am. << DescUsage: << For detailed documentation, `perldoc Time::Human`. << Homepage: <<