Info2: << Package: time-parsedate-pm Version: 2015.1030 Revision: 301 Distribution: 10.15 Type: perl, systemperl (5.18.4) BuildDepends: << perl%type_pkg[systemperl]-core, time-piece-pm%type_pkg[systemperl] << Replaces: time-modules-pm Description: Misc. time perl modules License: Artistic/GPL Maintainer: Christian Schaffner Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/M/MU/MUIR/modules/Time-ParseDate-2015.103.tar.gz Source-Checksum: SHA256(2c1a06235bf811813caac9eaa9daa71af758667cdf7b082cb59863220fcaeed1) UpdatePOD: true DocFiles: Changes README Homepage: DescDetail: << This is the former Time-modules suite (time-modules-pm fink package) << DescPackaging: << According to Changes, the minorversion field is a 4-digit value, but the source tarball for 2015.1030 drops the trailing zero. << <<