Info2: << Package: xporter-pm Version: 0.1.2 Revision: 1 Type: perl Description: Alternative Exporter with persistent defaults License: Artistic # Free to update, edit and take over Maintainer: Hanspeter Niederstrasser Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/L/LA/LAWALSH/Xporter-%v.tar.gz Source-Checksum: SHA256(0e306d43da76ec2f7dac9f6bfe3827faa49e3b9665a2bf47dc57c35b61ca30f8) Depends: << mem-pm << DocFiles: LICENSE README UpdatePOD: true DescDetail: << Xporter provides EXPORT functionality similar to Exporter with some different rules to simplify common cases. The primary difference, in Xporter is that the default EXPORT list remains the default EXPORT list unless the user specifically asks for it to not be included, whereas in Exporter, asking for any additional exports from the EXPORT_OK list, clears the default EXPORT list. << Homepage: <<