Package: yaml-tiny-pm Version: 1.73 Revision: 1 Description: Read/Write YAML files Type: perl License: Artistic/GPL Maintainer: Benjamin Reed Source: mirror:cpan:modules/by-module/YAML/YAML-Tiny-%v.tar.gz Source-Checksum: SHA256(bc315fa12e8f1e3ee5e2f430d90b708a5dc7e47c867dba8dce3a6b8fbe257744) UpdatePOD: True DocFiles: Changes LICENSE README Homepage: DescDetail: << The YAML specification is huge. Really, really huge. It contains all the functionality of XML, except with flexibility and choice, which makes it easier to read, but with a formal specification that is more complex than XML. The original pure-Perl implementation YAML costs just over 4 megabytes of memory to load. Just like with Windows .ini files (3 meg to load) and CSS (3.5 meg to load) the situation is just asking for a YAML::Tiny module, an incomplete but correct and usable subset of the functionality, in as little code as possible. <<