Info2: << Package: fonttools-py%type_pkg[python] # v3.x is last release to support py27. 4.x series needs py36+ Version: 2.5 Revision: 2 Type: python (2.7) Description: Library for manipulating fonts DescDetail: << TTX is a tool to convert OpenType and TrueType fonts to and from XML. FontTools is a library for manipulating fonts, written in Python. It supports TrueType, OpenType, AFM and to an extent Type 1 and some Mac-specific formats. << DescPackaging: << This "fonttools-py%type_pkg[python]" package is integrated with Fink's python. Former maintainer: Martin Costabel << DescUsage: << To run the ttx executable from this package, call its versioned name, ttx%type_raw[python] << Maintainer: None License: BSD Homepage: Source: SourceRename: fonttools-%v.tar.gz Source-Checksum: SHA256(c89603f9f3346f48f4a24f786422e935423554e0a9172dcd3ec8ffbd556d2159) Depends: python%type_pkg[python], numpy-py%type_pkg[python] BuildDepends: setuptools-tng-py%type_pkg[python] CompileScript: %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] build #InfoTest: TestScript: %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] || exit 2 InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] install --root=%d mv %i/bin/ttx %i/bin/ttx%type_raw[python] mv %i/bin/pyftinspect %i/bin/pyftinspect%type_raw[python] mv %i/bin/pyftmerge %i/bin/pyftmerge%type_raw[python] mv %i/bin/pyftsubset %i/bin/pyftsubset%type_raw[python] mv %i/share/man/man1/ttx.1 %i/share/man/man1/ttx%type_raw[python].1 << PostInstScript: << update-alternatives --install %p/bin/ttx ttx %p/bin/ttx%type_raw[python] %type_pkg[python] \ --slave %p/bin/pyftinspect pyftinspect %p/bin/pyftinspect%type_raw[python] \ --slave %p/bin/pyftmerge pyftmerge %p/bin/pyftmerge%type_raw[python] \ --slave %p/bin/pyftsubset pyftsubset %p/bin/pyftsubset%type_raw[python] \ --slave %p/share/man/man1/ttx.1 ttx.1 %p/share/man/man1/ttx%type_raw[python].1 << PreRmScript: << if [ $1 != "upgrade" ]; then update-alternatives --remove ttx %p/bin/ttx%type_raw[python] fi << DocFiles: LICENSE.txt <<