Info2: << Package: git-remote-gitifyhg-py%type_pkg[python] Version: 0.8.4 Revision: 1 Type: python (2.7) Description: Access hg repos as git remotes DescDetail: << This git remote allows you to do local development in a git repository and push changes to an upstream mercurial repository. It does this seamlessly and allows pushing and pulling to named branches in the upstream repository. It tries not to affect the upstream mercurial repo in any way. Thus, only a restricted git workflow is available to you. gitifyhg does not rely on hg-git, and allows you to push and pull to and from a mercurial repository from right inside git. You do not need to adapt your git workflow in any way aside from cloning a gitifyhg url. Some of the features that are not fully working include: * anonymous branches are dropped, only the tip of a named branch is kept * tags can be cloned and pulled, but not pushed * bookmarks can be cloned and pushed, but not pulled reliably However, if you're looking for a git-svn type of workflow that allows you to clone mercurial repositories, work in local git branches, and rebase your branches, you've found it. Further, all of these problems are fixable. << DescUsage: << Instructions from the README file: gitifyhg is a git remote. Once installed, you can clone any Mercurial repo using git clone gitifyhg:: Now run git branch -r to see the list of Mercurial branches. If it was a named branch upstream, it will be named branches/ in git. Bookmarks are referred to directly by their name. For now, I recommend only interacting with named branches. master automatically tracks the default branch. You can check out any named mercurial branch using git checkout --track origin/branches/ As a standard git practice, I recommend creating your own local branch to work on. Then change to the tracked branch and git pull to get upstream changes. Rebase your working branch onto that branch before pushing git checkout -b working_ hack add commit ad naseum git checkout branches/ git pull git checkout working_ git rebase branches/ git checkout branches/ git merge working_ git push You can create new named upstream branches by giving them the branches/ prefix git checkout -b "branches/my_new_branch" hack add commit git push --set_upstream origin branches/my_new_branch And that's really it, you just have to use standard git commands and the remote takes care of the details. Just don't do any octopus merges and you should be good to go. Note that Mercurial allows spaces in branch, bookmark, and tag names, while git does not. To keep git from choking if upstream has spaces in names, gitifyhg will replace them with three underscores and has the sense to convert between the two formats when pushing and pulling. << Maintainer: Daniel Johnson License: GPL3 Homepage: Source: #Source: #Source: #SourceRename: gitifyhg-%v.tar.gz #SourceDirectory: buchuki-gitifyhg-9a312f1 Source-Checksum: SHA256(5846fba86a3afc5b6ae83c5be9f37cdf9b2cfe2fbddcce133de073127fa05b42) PatchScript: perl -pi -e 's|/usr/bin/env python|%p/bin/python%type_raw[python]|' git-remote-testgitifyhg Depends: << git, mercurial-py%type_pkg[python], path-py%type_pkg[python] (>= 3.0-1), python%type_pkg[python] << BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12), setuptools-tng-py%type_pkg[python] CompileScript: %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] build InfoTest: << TestDepends: coreutils TestScript: << perl -pi -e 's/ ls / gls /' test/test_clone_file_operations.t cd test && make -j1 || exit 2 << << InstallScript: << %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] install --root=%d mv %i/bin/git-remote-gitifyhg %i/bin/git-remote-gitifyhg-py%type_pkg[python] << PostInstScript: << update-alternatives --install %p/bin/git-remote-gitifyhg git-remote-gitifyhg %p/bin/git-remote-gitifyhg-py%type_pkg[python] %type_pkg[python] << PreRmScript: << if [ $1 != "upgrade" ]; then update-alternatives --remove git-remote-gitifyhg %p/bin/git-remote-gitifyhg-py%type_pkg[python] fi << DocFiles: LICENSE.txt README.rst <<