Info2: << Package: cran-nfactors-r%type_pkg[rversion] Distribution: << (%type_pkg[rversion] = 35 ) 10.9, (%type_pkg[rversion] = 35 ) 10.10, (%type_pkg[rversion] = 35 ) 10.11, (%type_pkg[rversion] = 35 ) 10.12, (%type_pkg[rversion] = 35 ) 10.13, (%type_pkg[rversion] = 35 ) 10.14, (%type_pkg[rversion] = 35 ) 10.14.5 << Type: rversion (4.1 4.0 3.6 3.5) Version: 2.4.1 Revision: 1 Description: Solutions to the Cattell Scree Test Homepage: License: GPL Maintainer: None Source: mirror:custom:nFactors_%v.tar.gz Source-Checksum: SHA256(028eb4ebd42a29f6a01297d728c7e353cabb37b46701639b4a52f17ba25a3eb6) SourceDirectory: nFactors CustomMirror: << Primary: Secondary: << Depends: << r-base%type_pkg[rversion], cran-boot-r%type_pkg[rversion], cran-lattice-r%type_pkg[rversion], cran-mass-r%type_pkg[rversion], cran-psych-r%type_pkg[rversion] << BuildDepends: r-base%type_pkg[rversion]-dev CompileScript: << #!/bin/bash -ev export TMPDIR=%b/tmp BIN_R=%p/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/%type_raw[rversion]/Resources/bin/R pushd .. $BIN_R --verbose CMD build --no-build-vignettes nFactors << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev BIN_R=%p/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/%type_raw[rversion]/Resources/bin/R mkdir -p %i/lib/R/%type_raw[rversion]/site-library pushd %b/.. && $BIN_R --verbose CMD INSTALL --library=%i/lib/R/%type_raw[rversion]/site-library nFactors << DescDetail: << Indices, heuristics and strategies to help determine the number of factors/components to retain: 1. Acceleration factor (af with or without Parallel Analysis); 2. Optimal Coordinates (noc with or without Parallel Analysis); 3. Parallel analysis (components, factors and bootstrap); 4. lambda > mean(lambda) (Kaiser, CFA and related); 5. Cattell-Nelson-Gorsuch (CNG); 6. Zoski and Jurs multiple regression (b, t and p); 7. Zoski and Jurs standard error of the regression coeffcient (sescree); 8. Nelson R2; 9. Bartlett khi-2; 10. Anderson khi-2; 11. Lawley khi-2 and 12. Bentler-Yuan khi-2. << DescPackaging: << Package version R version 2.4.1 >= 3.5.0 >= 2.9.2 << <<