Package: cdpr
Version: 2.4
Revision: 3
Maintainer: Alexander Hansen <>
License: GPL2
Description: Cisco Discovery Protocol Reporter

BuildDepends: libpcap1
Depends: libpcap1-shlibs

Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%v/%n-%v.tgz
Source-Checksum: SHA256(32d3b58d8be7e2f78834469bd5f48546450ccc2a86d513177311cce994dfbec5)

PatchScript: <<
	#!/bin/sh -ev
	PCAPLDFLAGS=`pcap-config --libs`
	perl -pi -e 's/-O2 -ggdb/-Os/' Makefile
	perl -pi -e "s,^(LDFLAGS\s=\s).*,\1$PCAPLDFLAGS," Makefile

CompileScript: make
InstallScript: <<
	#!/bin/sh -ev
	mkdir -p %i/bin %i/share/%n
	cp -p %n %i/bin/
	cp -pr cdpr? %i/share/cdpr/

DocFiles: COPYING README* license.txt

DescDetail: <<
  CDPR is the Cisco Discovery Protocol Reporter. This software will tell you 
  which switch and port your device is plugged into. It is known to compile and
  run on Solaris, Linux, HP-UX, AIX and Windows (using pcap). In verbose mode, 
  it decodes the entire CDP packet including information such as native VLAN, 
  device capabilities, etc. It also has the ability to report the data back to
  a server so that you can use CDPR to keep an ever updating database of which 
  devices are on which switch port. This code has had several additions made 
  to it at the request of Cisco and is used in many of their labs.
DescPackaging: <<
	Former Maintainer: Jack Fink <>
	No build system per se, so we rely on manually patching the Makefile and 
	manually copying the build files.
	Use Fink's libpcapN.