Package: chaosreader Version: 0.94 Revision: 1 ### Source: mirror:sourceforge:chaosreader/chaosreader%v Source-Checksum: SHA256(e84e2044aec3371ea5505d7d7db2c746d62ee1d24c970b90775e25c3625ab982) SourceDirectory: . ### Maintainer: None <> HomePage: License: GPL Description: Makes HTML reports from tcpdump ### BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12-1) PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: efb1cb515a8d17af7f571c67ea97dc45 CompileScript: echo %i InstallScript: << install -d %i/bin install -m0755 chaosreader%v %i/bin/chaosreader << ### DescDetail: << A open source tool to trace TCP/UDP/... sessions and fetch application data from snoop or tcpdump logs. This is a type of "any-snarf" program, as it will fetch telnet sessions, FTP files, HTTP transfers (HTML, GIF, JPEG, ...), SMTP emails, ... from the captured data inside network traffic logs. A html index file is created that links to all the session details, including realtime replay programs for telnet, rlogin, IRC, X11 or VNC sessions; and reports such as image reports and HTTP GET/POST content reports. Chaosreader can also run in standalone mode - where it invokes tcpdump or snoop (if they are available) to create the log files and then processes them. <<