# -*- coding: ascii; tab-width: 4; x-counterpart: rtmpdump.patch -*- Info4: << Package: librtmp1-shlibs Version: 2.4-20210219 Revision: 1 Description: Shared ibraries for RTMP streaming DescDetail: << rtmpdump is a tool for dumping media content streamed over RTMP. rtmpdump makes a connection to the specified RTMP server and plays the media specified by the given url. The url should be of the form rtmp[t][e]://hostname[:port][/app[/playpath]] Plain rtmp, as well as tunneled and encrypted sessions are supported. << DescPackaging: << * FTBFS with openssl110 (gentoo has a patch) * no more tarballs after 2.3 release. * The 2.4-20210219 tarball was created on 2023-01-28 with these commands, that correspond to commit hash f1b83c10d8beb43fcc70a6e88cf4325499f25857: git clone --depth=1 git://git.ffmpeg.org/rtmpdump rtmpdump-2.4-20210219 tar -cj --exclude='\.git' -f rtmpdump-2.4-20210219.tar.bz2 rtmpdump-2.4-20210219 << Maintainer: Daniel Johnson <daniel@daniel-johnson.org> License: LGPL2 Homepage: https://rtmpdump.mplayerhq.hu/ Source: mirror:sourceforge:fink/rtmpdump-%v.tar.bz2 Source-Checksum: SHA256(469b2a85a269ded6baf7ac2a612058219f0b3cd07398b4dd570fa17fcbf38311) PatchFile: %{ni}.patch PatchFile-MD5: 455e4e201914f203ff57ad3ec175d167 BuildDepends: << fink-package-precedence, gmp5, gnutls30-3.7, nettle8 << Depends: << gmp5-shlibs, gnutls30-3.7-shlibs, libhogweed6-shlibs, nettle8-shlibs << SetCPPFLAGS: -MD SetLDFLAGS: -L%p/lib/gnutls30-3.7 CompileScript: << make SYS=darwin prefix=%p XLDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" fink-package-precedence --depfile-ext='\.d' --prohibit-bdep=librtmp1 . << InstallScript: make -j1 install SYS=darwin prefix=%p XLDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" DESTDIR=%d Shlibs: %p/lib/librtmp.1.dylib 0.0.0 %n (>= 2.4-1) DocFiles: ChangeLog COPYING README *.html SplitOff: << Package: librtmp1 Description: Devel files for RTMP streaming License: LGPL2 BuildDependsOnly: true Depends: %N (= %v-%r) Conflicts: librtmp, librtmp1 Replaces: librtmp, librtmp1 Files: << include lib/pkgconfig lib/librtmp.a lib/librtmp.dylib share/man/man3 << DocFiles: ChangeLog README librtmp/COPYING librtmp/*.html << SplitOff2: << Package: rtmpdump Description: RTMP streaming media client License: GPL2 Depends: << %N (>= %v-%r), gmp5-shlibs, gnutls30-3.7-shlibs, libhogweed6-shlibs, nettle8-shlibs << Files: << bin sbin share/man/man1 share/man/man8 << DocFiles: ChangeLog README librtmp/COPYING << <<