Package: libtorrent21-shlibs # v0.14 is libN=22 Version: 0.13.8 Revision: 1 License: GPL/OpenSSL HomePage: Description: Bittorrent library Maintainer: David Fang <> Depends: openssl110-shlibs BuildDepends: << autoconf2.6, automake1.15, fink (>= 0.30.0), fink-package-precedence, libtool2, openssl110-dev, pkgconfig << Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(ed115a28f4ae8cfcd33b94a597c076ca74fd549867a26e4fac9505c27288e983) PatchScript: << # harden the build perl -pi -e 's/(-version-info)/-no-undefined \1/' src/ autoreconf -vfi << GCC: 4.0 SetCXXFLAGS: -std=c++11 -g -O2 ConfigureParams: << --with-kqueue << CompileScript: << %{default_script} fink-package-precedence --prohibit-bdep=%n . << ### Currently failing to compile on std::array.assign calls... ### I think we should replace with std::fill. # tests currently fail linking InfoTest: << TestConfigureParams: LIBS=-lz TestDepends: cppunit1.15.1 TestScript: make -k check || exit 2 << Shlibs: %p/lib/libtorrent.21.dylib 22.0.0 %n (>= 0.13.6-1) DocFiles: << AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog NEWS README << SplitOff: << Package: libtorrent21 Depends: %N (= %v-%r) BuildDependsOnly: true Conflicts: libtorrent15, libtorrent19, libtorrent20, libtorrent21 Replaces: libtorrent15, libtorrent19, libtorrent20, libtorrent21 Files: << include lib/libtorrent.{la,dylib} lib/pkgconfig << DocFiles: << AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog NEWS README << << DescPackaging: << Library version info and name change inconsistently between major versions. Former maintainer: Michal Suchanek <> << DescPort: << fangism: Some C++ related patching was necessary to get the source to compile against g++-4.0, even though upstream requires g++-4.2 or higher. Also, some POSIX APIs that were expected for atomic operations were mapped to darwin8 equivalents. Additional patching needed to C-cast (ewww...) address-of-unsigned to pointer-to-signed because of differences in the atomicity API. OpenSSL1.1 patch from upstream: 4607bbf78040789dee29266878ce109136b984ef <<