Package: squid-unified # last of the 4.x series Version: 5.9 Revision: 1 Epoch: 1 Description: Proxy caching server License: GPL/OpenSSL Maintainer: Benjamin Reed <> Depends: << cyrus-sasl2.3-shlibs, daemonic, expat1-shlibs, gnutls30-3.7-shlibs, libtool2-shlibs, libxml2-shlibs, nettle8-shlibs, openldap2-shlibs, openssl300-shlibs << BuildDepends: << cyrus-sasl2.3-dev, db60-aes, expat1, fink (>= 0.32), fink-package-precedence, gnutls30-3.7, libiconv-dev, libtool2, libxml2, nettle8, openldap2-dev, openssl300-dev, pkgconfig << Replaces: << squid (<< %v-%r), squid-ssl (<< %v-%r) << Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(3fe5c2007da2757446af91b6ef974f154b208120a9a39396ea681e5c4abb04b5) #PatchFile: squid-unified.patch #PatchFile-MD5: dce93b3c9f242bb4c7cac45d7a9e6926 PatchScript: << # patch -p1 < %{PatchFile} # Remove 'getconf' commands that are broken on Xcode5/6+ # perl -pi -e 's/(.*L.*getconf.*buildmodel.*)/#\1/g' configure << SetLIBS: -L%p/lib -lresolv ConfigureParams: << --enable-dependency-tracking \ --disable-shared \ --enable-static \ --enable-storeio="aufs diskd rock ufs" \ \ --enable-async-io \ --enable-auth \ --enable-basic-auth-helpers \ --enable-disk-io \ --enable-carp \ --enable-delay-pools \ --enable-digest-auth-helpers \ --enable-external-acl-helpers \ --enable-htcp \ --enable-icap-client \ --enable-icmp \ --enable-ipfw-transparent \ --enable-kqueue \ --enable-negotiate-auth-helpers \ --enable-ntlm-auth-helpers \ --enable-referer-log \ --enable-removal-policies \ --enable-snmp \ --enable-ssl \ --enable-useragent-log \ --enable-x-accelerator-vary \ \ --disable-poll \ --disable-arp-acl \ \ --with-aio \ --with-large-files \ --with-openssl=%p \ --with-pthreads \ \ --mandir=%p/share/man \ --libexecdir=%p/sbin \ --disable-strict-error-checking \ --with-pidfile=%p/var/run/ \ --with-swapdir=%p/var/cache/squid << GCC: 4.0 CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ex export lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=65536 ./configure %c make DEFAULT_LOG_PREFIX=%p/var/log/squid DEFAULT_MIB_PATH=%p/share/doc/%n fink-package-precedence . << InfoTest: << TestDepends: << cppunit1.15.1 << TestScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev make -j1 check || exit 2 fink-package-precedence . << << InstallScript: << make -j1 install DESTDIR=%d DEFAULT_LOG_PREFIX=%p/var/log/squid DEFAULT_MIB_PATH=%p/share/doc/%n install -d -m 755 %i/var/cache/squid install -d -m 755 %i/var/log/squid install -d -m 755 %i/share/doc/%n mv %i/share/mib.txt %i/share/doc/%n/mib.txt install -d -m 755 %i/etc cp src/squid.conf.default %i/etc/squid.conf cp src/mime.conf.default %i/etc/mime.conf cp tools/cachemgr.conf %i/etc/cachemgr.conf << DocFiles: CONTRIBUTORS COPYING CREDITS ChangeLog INSTALL QUICKSTART README RELEASENOTES.html SplitOff: << Package: squid Depends: %N (= %e:%v-%r) RuntimeDepends: fink-obsolete-packages Description: OBSOLETE use package 'squid-unified' instead DocFiles: CONTRIBUTORS COPYING CREDITS ChangeLog INSTALL QUICKSTART README RELEASENOTES.html << SplitOff2: << Package: squid-ssl Depends: %N (= %e:%v-%r) RuntimeDepends: fink-obsolete-packages Description: OBSOLETE use package 'squid-unified' instead DocFiles: CONTRIBUTORS COPYING CREDITS ChangeLog INSTALL QUICKSTART README RELEASENOTES.html << PostInstScript: << if [ ! -d %p/var/cache/squid/00 ]; then chown -R nobody "%p/var/cache/squid" "%p/var/log/squid" %p/sbin/squid -z || : fi << PreRmScript: << # clean up the old one daemonic remove squid >/dev/null 2>&1 || : if [ $1 != "upgrade" ]; then # remove the daemonic entry if we're uninstalling daemonic remove squid-unified fi << ConfFiles: << %p/etc/cachemgr.conf %p/etc/mime.conf %p/etc/squid.conf << DaemonicFile: << <service> <description>Squid proxy cache</description> <message>Squid proxy cache</message> <daemon name="squid"> <executable checkexit="true">%p/sbin/squid</executable> <configfile>%p/etc/squid.conf</configfile> <pidfile>%p/var/run/</pidfile> </daemon> </service> << Homepage: DescDetail: << Squid is a high-performance proxy caching server for Web clients, supporting FTP, gopher, and HTTP data objects. Unlike traditional caching software, Squid handles all requests in a single, non-blocking, I/O-driven process. Squid keeps meta data and especially hot objects cached in RAM, caches DNS lookups, supports non-blocking DNS lookups, and implements negative caching of failed requests. << DescPackaging: << The only changes made to the default configuration is to enable local access to the squid proxy (ie, connections from localhost). By default, squid is configured to listen on port 3128 for proxy connections. To change this, add or change the http_port line to the port you want squid to listen on. << DescPort: << nieder: bumped to 3.4.2 to deal with clang compiler errors. Fix URL.h vs Url.h misfinding with --disable-strict-error-checking <<