Package: boxshade Version: 3.3.1 Revision: 2 Description: Pretty-prints multiple sequence alignments License: Public Domain Maintainer: Hanspeter Niederstrasser Recommends: clustalw Source: NoSourceDirectory: true SourceRename: %n-%v.tar.Z Source-Checksum: SHA256(5367afdd0cdacdebf7e3ad52edf2f8753801d451dfa03cd8ef6b58c39ec9b2b4) PatchScript: << head -n 137 box.c > INFO << CompileScript: make -f makefile.unx InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/bin mkdir -p %i/share/%n install -m 755 boxshade %i/bin/boxshade install -m 644 *.grp %i/share/%n/ install -m 644 *.par %i/share/%n/ install -m 644 *.sim %i/share/%n/ << DocFiles: INFO RuntimeVars: << BOXDIR: %p/share/%n << Homepage: DescDetail: << BOXSHADE is a program for pretty-printing multiple sequence alignment output. The program itself doesn't do any alignment, you have to use a multiple alignment program like ClustalW or Pileup and use the output of these programs as input for BOXSHADE. Of course, you can also use manually aligned sequences. << DescUsage: << See for information and usage. Use 'boxshade -help' for other useful command line options. << DescPackaging: << BOXSHADE uses the environment variable BOXDIR to point to the location of the accessory data files. <<