Info4: << Package: fflas-ffpack Version: 1.6.0 Revision: 1 Maintainer: None # Anything that bdeps on fflas-ffpack must effectively also bdep on the # bdeps of fflas-ffpack. # # But note that fflas-ffpack consist of only headers, hence it has # no dependencies of its own. BuildDepends: << fink-package-precedence, gmp5 << #Depends: givaro0-shlibs BuildDependsOnly: True Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(49e59d9c6252575b9e603d44eb514c3d1239405a90051f1d2c86a123ca31d909) PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 976dd4f40a603e0ec517585167e1c3f3 ConfigureParams: << --with-gmp=%p \ --with-givaro=np \ --with-cblas=/usr \ --with-lapack=blas << InfoTest: << #TestDepends: givaro0 (>= 3.7.0) #TestConfigureParams: --with-givaro=%p TestScript: make check || exit 2 << CompileScript: << ./configure %c make fink-package-precedence --no-headers . << InstallScript: make install DESTDIR=%d DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING NEWS README TODO Description: Finite Field Linear Algebra Subroutines DescDetail: << FFLAS-FFPACK is a LGPL source code library for dense linear algebra over word-size finite fields. << DescPackaging: << * FFLAS-FFPACK relies on a BLAS library. This package is hard-coded to use Apple's Accelerate Framework. If you need to use it with another BLAS, e.g. Atlas, GSL, Lapack..., it should be possible to make a variant of this package supporting that. Please contact the maintainer if you are interested in this. * we disable givaro support for now. Future versions of FFLAS-FFPACK use it, but only for the test suite. Once that happens, we will have to make sure that fflas-ffpack-config.h is cleaned up before installation, otherwise it could differ depending on whether tests where run or not. * comment out unused OMPTimer class (required OpenMP), to allow tests to run << Homepage: # See also License: LGPL <<