Package: gshhs Version: 2.2.0 Revision: 1 Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(e6c6c93ae10c9476c33934d46f5fb54a4d12463bdfb46f8e1c2f189ed4a4dfd2) Recommends: gmt SourceDirectory: . CompileScript: echo "Moving files..." InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/share/gmt mv share/coast %i/share/gmt << Description: Global dataset of shorelines, rivers, borders DescDetail: << This package provides five different resolution versions of the GSHHS (Global Self-consistant Hierarchical High-resolution Shorelines) data base: high and full resolution. GSHHS combines the World Vector Shoreline and World Data Base II products into a single quality-checked hierarchical data base at 5 resolutions. Although these shorelines are distributed as part of the Generic Mapping Tools (GMT), they can be used stand-alone or with other applications that can read NetCDF files. << DescPackaging:<< Previous maintainer: Kurt Schwehr << License: GPL DocFiles: LICENSE.TXT README.TXT Maintainer: None Homepage: