Package: m4rie Version: 20200125 Revision: 1 Maintainer: None BuildDepends: fink-package-precedence, m4ri (>= 20200125-1) BuildDependsOnly: True Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(7f3107f7cd10f6c22d9663d9536e1af2f551e10183601852a60d760918caf58d) ConfigureParams: --disable-shared --with-m4ri=%p CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev ./configure %c make fink-package-precedence --no-headers . << InfoTest: TestScript: make check || exit 2 InstallScript: make install DESTDIR=%d DocFiles: COPYING # SplitOff: << # Package: %N-shlibs # Depends: m4ri-shlibs # Files: lib/libm4rie-0.0.%v.dylib # Shlibs: %p/lib/libm4rie-0.0.%v.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= %v-1) # DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING # << Description: Fast arithmetic with dense F_{2^e}-matrices DescDetail: << M4RIE is a library for fast arithmetic with dense matrices over F_{2^e} for 2 <= e <= 10. The name stems from the fact that is relies heavily on M4RI. Packages that BuildDepend on m4rie will most likely also need to BuildDepend on m4ri. << DescPackaging: << The ABI of this package is not stable. Disable shared libraries for now to avoid having to set a new package name for each new version. << Homepage: License: GPL