Package: madeline2 Version: 2.1.1 Revision: 1 Description: Pedigree drawing engine License: GPL2 # Free to update, modify, and take over Maintainer: Hanspeter Niederstrasser # Note that it will build API docs if doxygen is installed but doesn't # install them so the .deb doesn't change. Just ignore the dependency. BuildDepends: << bzip2-dev, cmake, fink-buildenv-modules, fink-package-precedence, gettext-tools, libcurl4, libgettext8-dev, libxml2 (>= 2.9.1-1), openssl300-dev, pkgconfig << Depends: << bzip2-shlibs, libcurl4-shlibs, libgettext8-shlibs, libxml2-shlibs (>= 2.9.1-1), openssl300-shlibs << GCC: 4.0 # Source: SourceRename: Madeline_2.0_PDE-v.%v.tar Source-Checksum: SHA256(3becfa82eaf8afffe4746c4741d75a9e80adb5b7a307a39b1951cd8ddf5aa726) PatchScript: << # no /usr/local perl -pi -e 's|/usr/lib|%p/lib|g; s|/usr/local|%p|g' cmake/modules/FindMySQL.cmake cmake/modules/FindMySQL++.cmake doxygen/ src/CMakeLists.txt << CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev . %p/sbin/ mkdir finkbuild pushd finkbuild cmake $FINK_CMAKE_ARGS \ -DBZIP2_INCLUDE_DIR=%p/include \ -DBZIP2_LIBRARY_RELEASE=%p/lib/libbz2.dylib \ -DLIBCURL_INCLUDE_DIR=%p/include \ -DLIBCURL_LIBRARIES=%p/lib/libcurl.dylib \ -DLIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIR=%p/include/libxml2 \ -DLIBXML2_LIBRARIES=%p/lib/libxml2.dylib \ -Dlibcrypto=%p/lib/libcrypto.dylib \ -Dlibssl=%p/lib/libssl.dylib \ .. make fink-package-precedence --depfile-ext='\.d' .. << InfoTest: << TestScript: << # manually run a few commands from the test documentation (no make target) %b/finkbuild/src/madeline2 -L "IndividualID DOB" testdata/input/ || exit 2 %b/finkbuild/src/madeline2 -L "IndividualId Name DOB" testdata/input/ || exit 2 %b/finkbuild/src/madeline2 testdata/input/ || exit 2 %b/finkbuild/src/madeline2 testdata/input/ || exit 2 %b/finkbuild/src/madeline2 testdata/input/ || exit 2 %b/finkbuild/src/madeline2 testdata/input/ || exit 2 %b/finkbuild/src/madeline2 testdata/input/ || exit 2 %b/finkbuild/src/madeline2 testdata/input/ || exit 2 << << InstallScript: << cd finkbuild; make install DESTDIR=%d # cmake leaves droppings all over the place. Clean them up. I hate cmake. mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n mv %i/docs/* %i/share/doc/%n rm -rf %i/docs rm -rf %i/%p << DocFiles: LICENSE Homepage: DescDetail: << The Madeline 2.0 Pedigree Drawing Engine is a pedigree drawing program designed to handle large and complex pedigrees with an emphasis on readability and aesthetics. << DescUsage: Please see the homepage for usage information.