Info2:<< Package: nco Version: 5.1.8 Revision: 1 Description: The NetCDF Operators License: GPL3 Maintainer: None # Prerequisites Depends: << libgsl25-shlibs, netcdf-c19-shlibs, udunits2, udunits2-shlibs << BuildDepends: << antlr, fink (>= 0.28), fink-package-precedence, libgsl25-dev, netcdf-c19, texinfo (>> 4.13), udunits2-dev (>= 2.1.22-1) << Conflicts: << %N (<= 4.0.9-1), %N-dap (<< 4.0.8-1), %N-netcdf (<< 4.0.9-1), %N-opendap, %N410-dev, %N420-dev, %N421-dev, %N422-dev, %N423-dev, %N424-dev, %N425-dev, %N426-dev, %N430-dev, %N431-dev, %N432-dev, %N433-dev, %N434-dev, %N436-dev, %N439-dev, %N441-dev, %N442-dev, %N444-dev, %N445-dev, %N446-dev, %N447-dev, %N448-dev, %N450-dev, %N451-dev, %N453-dev, %N455-dev, %N466-dev, %N469-dev << Replaces: << %N (<= 4.0.9-1), %N-dap (<< 4.0.8-1), %N-netcdf (<< 4.0.9-1), %N-opendap, %N410-dev, %N420-dev, %N421-dev, %N422-dev, %N423-dev, %N424-dev, %N425-dev, %N426-dev, %N430-dev, %N431-dev, %N432-dev, %N433-dev, %N434-dev, %N436-dev, %N439-dev, %N441-dev, %N442-dev, %N444-dev, %N445-dev, %N446-dev, %N447-dev, %N448-dev, %N450-dev, %N451-dev, %N453-dev, %N455-dev, %N466-dev, %N469-dev << # Unpack Phase: Source: SourceRename: %n-%v.tar.gz Source-Checksum: SHA256(f22c63a3cbe1947fbf06160a6ed7b6d1934aa242fbe3feeb8d1964eef266b7d5) # Patch Phase: PatchScript: << # Patch configure to force enable_shared, since it suggests that Darwin cannot create shared libraries perl -pi -e "s/(apple.*)enable_shared='no'/\1/" configure # Patch configure to not link like Puma on Yosemite perl -pi -e 's|10\.\[012\]\*|10.[012][,.]*|g' configure # don't hardcode to link directly against dependent libs' # support libs (see also the ac_cv_* ConfigureParams) perl -pi -e 's/-lcurl//g' configure << # Compile Phase: GCC: 4.0 # i18n is disabled by default, but hardcoding it as --disable avoids # ./configure detection of and linking against its support libs (bug # that it detects them even if defaulting to disabled) ConfigureParams: << --enable-udunits2 --disable-udunits \ --enable-gsl \ --enable-netcdf4 \ --disable-i18n \ --enable-dependency-tracking \ --enable-shared \ --disable-static \ ac_cv_lib_expat_XML_ParserCreate=no \ ac_cv_header_libintl_h=no \ ac_cv_lib_intl_gettext=no << CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev export UDUNITS2_PATH=%p export NETCDF_INC=%p \ NETCDF_LIB=%p \ NETCDF4_ROOT=%p %{default_script} fink-package-precedence --prohibit-bdep=%N-dap,%N-opendap,%N-netcdf,%N . << # Install Phase: DocFiles: doc/* InfoDocs: InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d AM_UPDATE_INFO_DIR=no rm -rf %i/include rm -f %i/lib/libnco_c++* %i/lib/libnco*.la %i/lib/libnco.dylib << Shlibs: !%p/lib/libnco-%v.dylib PostInstScript: << printf "******************************************************************************************\n" printf "* Checking for older library versions...\n" oldshlibs=`fink list -i nco4 | cut -f2` printf "*\n" printf "* You can remove the following older versions of the developer tools and shared library\n" printf "* if you haven't built anything against them yourself:\n" printf "* %%s\n" $oldshlibs printf "******************************************************************************************\n\n" << DescDetail: << Each NCO operator (e.g., ncks) takes netCDF or HDF input file(s), performs an operation (e.g., averaging, hyperslabbing, or renaming), and outputs a processed netCDF file. Although most users of netCDF and HDF data are involved in scientific research, these data formats, and thus NCO, are generic and are equally useful in fields like finance. This version is OPeNDAP/DODS enabled, so it can be given URLs to read remote datasets as if they were local netCDF files. << DescPackaging: << Former Maintainer: Alexander Hansen Because no Fink package links against the nco library, Fink maintainers have decided to build a private shared library only (and not a static one to avoid many large executables). The -shlibs and -dev packages have thus been scrapped since version 4.7.0. See: << Homepage: <<