Info2: << Package: tcoffee Version: # WARNING: the install *really* wants to download files from various # websites, and each new version seems to need different tricks or # pathnames to prevent that from happening. Revision: 202 Distribution: 10.10, 10.11, 10.12, 10.13, 10.14 Type: systemperl (5.18.2), gcc (11) Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(c8e5ba17de11ddf07cf2ed37f077d81c1432d55b77761f115f9374de6f8d0d03) Source2: Source2-Checksum: SHA256(4e0974c57a18b10faff635f60d2d4c5e253a67e43e525aec98545f45884e7295) Depends: << gcc%type_pkg[gcc]-shlibs, system-perl%type_pkg[systemperl], libwww-pm%type_pkg[systemperl], soap-lite-ssl-pm%type_pkg[systemperl] | soap-lite-pm%type_pkg[systemperl], xml-simple-pm%type_pkg[systemperl] << BuildDepends: gcc%type_pkg[gcc]-compiler PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 11faa02387ca99b69d7bb81d98a2b337 PatchScript: << %{default_script} perl -pi -e 's|f77|%p/bin/gfortran-fsf-%type_pkg[gcc]|g' install perl -pi -e 's|=\"gcc\"|=\"%p/bin/gcc-fsf-%type_pkg[gcc]\"|g' install perl -pi -e 's|=\"g\+\+\"|=\"%p/bin/g++-fsf-%type_pkg[gcc]\"|g' install perl -pi -e 's|CC=g\+\+|CC=%p/bin/g++-fsf-%type_pkg[gcc]|g' t_coffee_source/makefile perl -pi -e 's|CC =g\+\+|CC =%p/bin/g++-fsf-%type_pkg[gcc]|g' ../strike_v1.2/Makefile perl -pi -e 's|/usr/local/bin|%p/bin|g ' install # Make sure we get a deterministic perl interp, so we can set # matching perl-versioned -pmXXX dependencies. perl -pi -e 's|"perl |"/usr/bin/perl |g' t_coffee_source/*.[ch] perl -pi -e 's,/usr/bin/env perl,/usr/bin/perl,' example/* # Source2ExtractDir would leave these files as owned by root (fink bug?) mkdir -p bin/cache/download/distributions/strike cp -pr ../strike_v1.2 bin/cache/download/distributions/strike << SetCC: %p/bin/gcc-fsf-%type_pkg[gcc] CompileScript: << ./install tcoffee -exec=%p/bin -plugins=%p/bin -nobinaries -recompile << InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/bin cp t_coffee_source/t_coffee %i/bin mkdir -p %i/share/%n cp -R example %i/share/%n << DocFiles: license.txt Description: T-Coffee Multiple Sequence Alignment Program DescDetail: << T-Coffee computes multiple sequence alignments for protein or dna/rna sequences. It is considerably slower than ClustalW but does a better job aligning more distantly related sequences (<30% identity). There are also some enhancements for cDNA alignments. << DescPackaging: << Previous maintainer: Jason Stajich Koen van der Drift << DescUsage: << Before running T-coffee, issue the following two commands: cp -R %p/share/%n/t_coffee/ ~/.t_coffee sudo chown -R ~/.t_coffee/ T-coffee can be started by the command t_coffee. << License: GPL Maintainer: None Homepage: <<