Package: libaubio2 Version: 0.3.2 Revision: 5 Description: Library for audio labelling DescDetail: << aubio is a library for audio labelling. Its features include segmenting a sound file before each of its attacks, performing pitch detection, tapping the beat and producing midi streams from live audio. The name aubio comes from 'audio' with a typo: several transcription errors are likely to be found in the results too. The aim of this project is to provide these automatic labelling features to other audio softwares. Functions can be used offline in sound editors and software samplers, or online in audio effects and virtual instruments. << DescPackaging: << Disable static libs and clean .la files. Dependent packages don't need to depend on our dependencies. Manually install man files. Disable python support. << License: GPL Homepage: Maintainer: Daniel Johnson Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(dc1387b048610a6141f523c27314b7a60bd299c3d6789c372445ddc6511512cd) Depends: %n-shlibs (= %v-%r) BuildDepends: << fftw3, fink-package-precedence, jack-dev, libsamplerate0-dev, libsndfile1-dev, pkgconfig << BuildDependsOnly: true Conflicts: libaubio2, libaubio4, libaubio5 Replaces: libaubio2, libaubio4, libaubio5 PatchScript: << perl -pi -e 's/-Wno-long-double//' configure perl -pi -e 's|-laubio -L\${top_builddir}/src |../src/ |' ext/ << SetLDFLAGS: -Wl,-dead_strip_dylibs ConfigureParams: << --enable-dependency-tracking \ --disable-static \ --disable-alsa \ --disable-lash \ PYTHON=no << CompileScript: << %{default_script} fink-package-precedence --prohibit-bdep=%n . << InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d #Copy man files install -d %i/share/man/man1 install -m 644 doc/aubionotes.1 doc/aubioonset.1 doc/aubiotrack.1 %i/share/man/man1 << DocFiles: AUTHORS ChangeLog COPYING NEWS README THANKS TODO SplitOff: << Package: %N-shlibs Depends: << fftw3-shlibs, jack-shlibs, libsamplerate0-shlibs, libsndfile1-shlibs << Files: lib/libaubio.*.dylib lib/libaubioext.*.dylib Shlibs: << %p/lib/libaubio.2.dylib 4.0.0 %n (>= 0.3.2-1) %p/lib/libaubioext.2.dylib 4.0.0 %n (>= 0.3.2-1) << DocFiles: AUTHORS ChangeLog COPYING NEWS README THANKS TODO << SplitOff2: << Package: %N-bin Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r) Conflicts: libaubio2-bin, libaubio4-bin, libaubio5-bin, aubio-bin Replaces: libaubio2-bin, libaubio4-bin, libaubio5-bin, aubio-bin Files: bin share/man DocFiles: AUTHORS ChangeLog COPYING NEWS README THANKS TODO <<