Package: gpsbabel Version: 1.4.2 Revision: 1 Description: GPS data transfer and conversion tool DescDetail: << gpsbabel is a command-line utility that translates GPS track, route and waypoint information between different GPS units and file formats. Most notably, it can handle GPX files (an emerging "GPS Exchange Format"; see for details), Google Maps URLs, and Google Earth (Keyhole) KML files. Also, gpsbabel can transfer data to and from many serial and USB GPS units. << DescUsage: << Running 'gpsbabel' with no arguments displays a command summary. 'gpsbabel -h | less' will give you the full input/filter/output option list. If you are using a serial GPS and a Keyspan USB-to-serial adapter, you may need to use '/dev/cu.KeySerial1' instead of '/dev/tty.KeySerial1'. << DescPackaging: << There is a native OS X GUI, but I have not attempted to build that yet. There are a few hardcoded instances of '/sw' in the configure script, which I tried to edit out. This revision tries not to statically link expat and libusb (by removing the Darwin-specific sections of ./configure, and letting Fink work its magic). << Homepage: License: GPL Maintainer: Charles Lepple Depends: expat1-shlibs, libusb-shlibs BuildDepends: expat1, libusb # They have added a hidden download token, so lets mirror it, # so the mirrors can get it Source: #Source: #SourceRename: %n-%v.tar.gz SourceDirectory: %n-%v Source-Checksum: SHA256(e93d7a6620d4048a781e82c26e287db3e1dc525d4b293479546cf9887bc2800a) DocFiles: COPYING README* # gpsbabel.html seems to be generated from xsltproc in 1.4.2 - separate package? PatchScript: perl -pi -e 's/-darwin/-darwin-not-fink/g' configure InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ex mkdir -p %i/bin make DESTDIR=%d install mkdir -p %i/share/%n cp -pr style %i/share/%n/ <<