Games and Entertainment

gfceu - GFCE Ultra Nintendo Emulator frontend

License: GPLv2+
Vendor: RPM Fusion
GFCE Ultra is an intuitive interface for the popular Nintendo Emulator,
FCE Ultra. It is designed for the GNOME desktop, and allows the user to
easily play NES ROM images. Gfceu sports a number of features, including:

* Network play
* Custom input configuration
* Fullscreen support
* OpenGL support
* Sound support
* High compatibility, accurate emulation, and all the power of FCE Ultra!

GNOME FCE Ultra is developed and maintained by Lukas Sabota.


gfceu-0.6.0-6.fc17.noarch [39 KiB] Changelog by Nicolas Chauvet (2012-02-08):
- Rebuilt for

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.5-1.el5