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Current Directory: upstream/pari_seadata_small
= pari_seadata_small =

== Description ==

PARI package "seadata_small": Needed by ellap for large primes. This
"small" one is a much smaller version that should be suitable for
primes up to 350 bits. These polynomials were extracted from the ECHIDNA
databases and computed by David R. Kohel. 

== License ==

GPL version 2+

== SPKG Maintainers ==

* Jeroen Demeyer

== Upstream Contact ==

== Dependencies ==

None (package contains data files only)
pari_seadata_small-20090618.tar.bz20.59 MB2024-10-13 09:44
MD5: 5a9a6200e4536d2c6b4020c4313721f5