
ntp-doc - NTP documentation

License: (MIT and BSD and BSD with advertising) and GPLv2
Vendor: Scientific Linux
This package contains NTP documentation in HTML format.


ntp-doc-4.2.6p5-10.el6_8.2.noarch [1.0 MiB] Changelog by Miroslav Lichvar (2017-01-11):
- don't limit rate of packets from sources (CVE-2016-7426)
- don't change interface from received packets (CVE-2016-7429)
- fix calculation of root distance again (CVE-2016-7433)
- require authentication for trap commands (CVE-2016-9310)
- fix crash when reporting peer event to trappers (CVE-2016-9311)
ntp-doc-4.2.6p5-10.el6.1.noarch [1.0 MiB] Changelog by Miroslav Lichvar (2016-05-03):
- don't allow spoofed packets to demobilize associations (CVE-2015-7979,
- don't allow spoofed packet to enable symmetric interleaved mode
- check mode of new source in config command (CVE-2016-2518)
- make MAC check resilient against timing attack (CVE-2016-1550)
ntp-doc-4.2.6p5-10.el6.noarch [1.0 MiB] Changelog by Miroslav Lichvar (2016-01-26):
- don't accept server/peer packets with zero origin timestamp (CVE-2015-8138)
- fix crash with reslist command (CVE-2015-7977, CVE-2015-7978)
ntp-doc-4.2.6p5-5.el6_7.4.noarch [1.0 MiB] Changelog by Miroslav Lichvar (2016-01-20):
- don't accept server/peer packets with zero origin timestamp (CVE-2015-8138)
ntp-doc-4.2.6p5-5.el6_7.2.noarch [1.0 MiB] Changelog by Miroslav Lichvar (2015-10-16):
- check origin timestamp before accepting KoD RATE packet (CVE-2015-7704)
- allow only one step larger than panic threshold with -g (CVE-2015-5300)

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1.el6