system environment/daemons

samba4 - Server and Client software to interoperate with Windows machines

License: GPLv3+ and LGPLv3+
Vendor: Scientific Linux
Samba is the standard Windows interoperability suite of programs for Linux and Unix.


samba4-4.2.10-9.el6.i686 [425 KiB] Changelog by Andreas Schneider (2016-12-16):
- resolves: #1405358 - CVE-2016-2125 CVE-2016-2126
samba4-4.2.10-7.el6_8.i686 [425 KiB] Changelog by Andreas Schneider (2016-07-05):
- resolves: #1351957 - Fix CVE-2016-2119
samba4-4.2.10-6.el6_7.i686 [425 KiB] Changelog by Alexander Bokovoy (2016-04-12):
- Fix domain member winbind not being able to talk to trusted domains' DCs
- Related: #1322688
samba4-4.0.0-68.el6_7.rc4.i686 [359 KiB] Changelog by Andreas Schneider (2016-03-04):
- resolves: #1314670 - Fix CVE-2015-7560
samba4-4.0.0-67.el6_7.rc4.i686 [359 KiB] Changelog by Andreas Schneider (2015-12-11):
- resolves: #1290708 - CVE-2015-7540
- related: #1290708 - CVE-2015-5299
- related: #1290708 - CVE-2015-5296
- related: #1290708 - CVE-2015-5252
- related: #1290708 - CVE-2015-5330

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1.el6