
libsemanage-static - Static library used to build policy manipulation tools

License: LGPLv2+
Vendor: Scientific Linux
The semanage-static package contains the static libraries
needed for developing applications that manipulate binary policies.


libsemanage-static-2.5-11.sl7.i686 [128 KiB] Changelog by Vit Mojzis (2018-02-27):
- Add dependencies on libselinux and libsemanage (#1548020)
libsemanage-static-2.5-11.sl7.x86_64 [132 KiB] Changelog by Vit Mojzis (2018-02-27):
- Add dependencies on libselinux and libsemanage (#1548020)
libsemanage-static-2.5-11.el7.i686 [128 KiB] Changelog by Vit Mojzis (2018-02-27):
- Add dependencies on libselinux and libsemanage (#1548020)
libsemanage-static-2.5-11.el7.x86_64 [132 KiB] Changelog by Vit Mojzis (2018-02-27):
- Add dependencies on libselinux and libsemanage (#1548020)
libsemanage-static-2.5-4.el7.i686 [131 KiB] Changelog by Petr Lautrbach (2016-08-26):
- genhomedircon: add support for Development/Debug syntax
- genhomedircon: generate contexts for logins mapped to the default user
- Validate and compile file contexts before installing
- Swap tcp and udp protocol numbers
libsemanage-static-2.5-4.el7.x86_64 [135 KiB] Changelog by Petr Lautrbach (2016-08-26):
- genhomedircon: add support for Development/Debug syntax
- genhomedircon: generate contexts for logins mapped to the default user
- Validate and compile file contexts before installing
- Swap tcp and udp protocol numbers

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1.el6