% TeXdraw macros % $Id: texdraw.sty,v 2.3 1995/12/19 texdraw-V2R0 $ % Copyright (C) 1991-1995 Peter Kabal % The TeXdraw routines in this file are provided free of charge without % warranty of any kind. Note that the TeXdraw routines are copyrighted. % They may be distributed freely provided that the recipients also % acquire the right to distribute them freely. The notices to this % effect must be preserved when the files are distributed. % Peter Kabal % Department of Electrical Engineering % McGill University % 3480 University % Montreal, Quebec % Canada H3A 2A7 % kabal@TSP.EE.McGill.CA % =============================================================== \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} % Pass all options to the graphics package \DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{graphics}} \ProcessOptions % Load the graphics package if not already loaded \RequirePackage{graphics} % Define the error routine \def\t@xderror #1{% \GenericError{% \space\space\space\@spaces\@spaces\@spaces }{% TeXdraw Error: #1% }{% See the TeXdraw manual for an explanation.% }{\@ehc}% } % Load the TeXdraw macros \input texdraw \ProvidesPackage{texdraw}[\TeXdrawId] \newenvironment{texdraw}{\leavevmode\btexdraw}{\etexdraw}