%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % LaTeX for Malayalam -- User Guide % % Alex A.J. % $Id$ % % 10 Nov 2007 Updated ILDC Fonts section % 07 Jun 2005 Version 0.9.2 % 03 Apr 2003 Update % 25 Mar 2003 Massive Revision % 11 Mar 2003 Initial Version % % % \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage[english]{malayalam} \usepackage[a4paper,margin=.8in]{geometry} \usepackage{hhline} \usepackage[colorlinks=true,% pdftitle={Typesetting Malayalam Using LaTeX},% pdfauthor={Alex A.J.}]{hyperref} \begin{document} \title{\bfseries Typesetting Malayalam Using \LaTeXe} \author{{\bfseries Alex A.J.}\\ \href{mailto:malayalamtex@gmail.com}{(malayalamtex@gmail.com)}} \date{} \maketitle \noindent \copyright\ Copyright 2003,2005,2007 Alex A.J. This document is freely redistributable. \tableofcontents \medskip \hrule \section{Introduction} \subsection{History} Typesetting Malayalam using \TeX\ was first attempted in the pioneering work done by {\bf Mr.~Jeroen Hellingman}. He designed a basic metafont containing all letter forms necessary for typesetting traditionaland reformed (old and new lipi) Malayalam script. Since there was no keyboard to input Malayalam script directly, Mr.~Hellingman used a transliteration scheme in ASCII to prepare the \TeX\ source file. He also wrote a pre-processor in C to arrange the necessary syllables according to the transcripted input file. Various plain \TeX\ macros were also written for effective glyph placement. The last stable release of Hellingman's Malayalam-\TeX\ package is version 1.6. \subsection{New Package for Malayalam} Hellingman's package was designed to work with plain \TeX\ only. However, this new release provides full \LaTeX\ compatibility. An improved version of Hellingman's pre-processor is used for pre-processing Malayalam source files. Traditional style hyphenation is also implemented. \subsection{Fonts Available With the Package} This package includes two Malayalam fonts, {\bf Keli}(kELi) and {\bf Rachana}(racana). The Rachana family includes all characters in the Malayalam Traditional Script (pazhaya lipi). If you install the package \textbf{ildc-cdac} available from the project page, you will get additional font families. See the next section for details. Support for 15 font families from CDAC ISM Publisher is also provided (the actual Type1 files are not included in the package; see the section on installation of the package). \vfill\eject \section{Obtaining and Installing the Package} \subsection{System Requirements} The package should work on any GNU/Linux system with a working \TeX\ distribution. The {\href{http://www.vim.org}{{\bfseries vim}} editor is also required in the pre-processing stage. Some determined hacking is required to get the package working on non-Linux systems. \subsection{Where to Get It} The primary distribution site for the package is: {\href{http://sarovar.org/projects/malayalam}{\bfseries % http://sarovar.org/projects/malayalam}} If you want to install the fonts from ILDC CD-ROM, download the \textbf{ildc-cdac} package also. \subsection{Installing under GNU/Linux} A {\itshape bash} script is provided for easy installation on GNU/Linux systems. Follow the steps below to install: \begin{enumerate} \item Download the package and copy it to a temporary directory on your system. \item Untar it using `{\tt tar -xvzf malayalam.tgz}', and change to the top level directory by issuing `{\tt cd malayalam}'. \item Run the installation script by issuing the command `{\tt ./install}'. \item The installation will ask you to choose some directories for installing the files. The defaults should be okey for most GNU/Linux systems. \item If you choose something other than the default directories, be sure to follow the instructions given at the end of the installation. \end{enumerate} \subsection{Fonts from the `ILDC' CD-ROM} In 2006, \textbf{Ministry of Communication and Information Technology}, Govt. of India brought out a CD-ROM as part of their \textbf{Technology Development for Indian Languages (TDIL} project\footnote{\texttt{http://ildc.in}}. The CD contains several Malayalam fonts from various sources. The fonts by CDAC can now be used with this package. The fonts can be downloaded as a separate package `\textbf{ildc-cdac}' from {\href{http://sarovar.org/projects/malayalam}{\bfseries Sarovar}}. Installation is explained in the README file with the package. \subsection{Fonts from ISM Publisher} ISM Publisher, developed by CDAC, is one of the best solutions for typesetting in Indian languages. The Malayalam section comes with a wide variety of beautiful fonts both in TrueType and Type1 formats. The Type1 fonts can now be used in this latest release of the \LaTeX\ package for Malayalam. ISM is proprietory software, and the font files are copyrighted, so the actual \textbf{.pfb} files are not included with this package. You may get them from an ISM CD-ROM. Installation: \begin{enumerate} \item Mount the ISM CD-ROM and cd to \verb"Fonts/MALYALAM/PSFONTS/" \textbf{Note: I used ISM version 3.04. The fonts may not be present in older versions before 3.0.} \item Make the directory \verb"{TEXMF}/fonts/type1/malayalam/ism" \item Copy all the \textbf{.pfb} files to \verb"{TEXMF}/fonts/type1/malayalam/ism"% \footnote{/usr/share/texmf/ is the default TEXMF root folder on Linux. Change it according to your installation.} \item Issue the command \texttt{texhash} or \texttt{mktexlsr} to update \TeX{}'s filename database. \end{enumerate} \subsection{Installation on Other Platforms} Currently, non-Linux platforms are not supported. \vfill\eject \section{Working With Malayalam} \subsection{Preparing Your Document} Malayalam source files normally have `.mm' extension. It is written just like a normal \LaTeX\ file, but Malayalam text is written in a phonetic transliteration scheme. This file is pre-processed to get the proper \TeX\ source file. To typeset Malayalam, you have to include the following line in the preamble of your source file: \noindent {\verb"\usepackage[options]{malayalam}"} \noindent Currently the supported options are: \begin{itemize} \item No options: If no options are specified, the Reformed script (putiya lipi) from the Rachana font family will be used. \item `{\tt rachana}': for the Traditional script (pazhaya lipi)from the Rachana family. \item `{\tt keli}': for the Keli font (\verb"\usepackage[keli]{malayalam}"). \item See Appendix for using the ILDC Fonts (For e.g., \verb"\usepackage[revathi]{malayalam}"). \item `{\tt english}': use this option when you want to include some Malayalam text in an english document. \item See Appendix for using ISM fonts. \end{itemize} \subsection{Typing Malayalam} Malayalam text is entered in a phonetic tranliteration scheme that uses the standard ASCII character set. All Malayalam matter must be enclosed between `{\tt }' and `{\tt }'. Anything outside these delimiters will come out in English. {\bf Table~\ref{tbl:trans}} shows the ASCII character(s) you have to type in order to generate a Malayalam character. The common ligatures (kUTTakSaran"n"aL) available with the package are shown in {\bf Table~\ref{tbl:lig}}. The input file is then preprocessed to generate a {\tt .tex} file. Instructions for pre-processing can be found in {\bf Section~\ref{sec:preprocess}} on {\bf page~\pageref{sec:preprocess}}. \begin{table}[!hbp] \caption{Malayalam Transliteration Table} \label{tbl:trans} {\Large \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{||l|c||l|c||l|c||} \hhline{|t:==:t:==:t:==:t|} {\tt a} & a & {\tt ka} & ka & {\tt pa} & pa\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} {\tt aa, A} & A & {\tt kha} & kha & {\tt fa, pha} & fa\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} {\tt i} & i & {\tt ga} & ga & {\tt ba} & ba\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} {\tt ii, I} & I & {\tt gha} & gha & {\tt bha} & bha\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} {\tt u} & u & {\tt n"a} & n"a & {\tt ma} & ma\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} {\tt uu,U} & U & {\tt ca} & ca & {\tt ya} & ya\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} {\tt .r} & .r & {\tt cha} & cha & {\tt ra} & ra\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} {\tt e} & e & {\tt ja} & ja & {\tt la} & la\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} {\tt ee, E} & E & {\tt jha} & jha & {\tt va} & va\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} {\tt ai} & ai & {\tt n\~{}a} & n~a & {\tt sha} & sha\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} {\tt o} & o & {\tt Ta} & Ta & {\tt Sa} & Sa\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} {\tt oo, O} & O & {\tt Tha} & Tha & {\tt sa} & sa\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} {\tt au} & au & {\tt Da} & Da & {\tt ha} & ha\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} {\tt M} & M & {\tt Dha} & Dha & {\tt La} & La\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} {\tt H} & H & {\tt Na} & Na & {\tt zha} & zha\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} & & {\tt ta} & ta & {\tt Ra} & Ra\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} & & {\tt tha} & tha & {\tt +} & +\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} & & {\tt da} & da & & \\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} & & {\tt dha} & dha & & \\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} & & {\tt na} & na & & \\ \hhline{|b:==:b:==:b:==:b|} \end{tabular} \end{center} } \end{table} \begin{table}[!hbp] \caption{Common ligatures (kUTTakSaran"n"aL) available with the package} \label{tbl:lig} {\Large \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{||c|c||c|c||c|c||} \hhline{|t:==:t:==:t:==:t|} kka & {\tt kka} & pla & {\tt pla} & hma & {\tt hma}\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} kla & {\tt kla} & bba & {\tt bba} & hna & {\tt hna}\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} kSa & {\tt kSa} & bla & {\tt bla} & ndha & {\tt ndha}\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} gga & {\tt gga} & npa & {\tt npa} & tsa & {\tt tsa}\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} gla & {\tt gla} & mma & {\tt mma} & jja & {\tt jja}\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} n"ka & {\tt n"ka} & mla & {\tt mla} & %Nma & {\tt Nma}\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} -- & --\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} n"n"a & {\tt n"n"a} & yya & {\tt yya} & stha & {\tt stha}\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} cca & {\tt cca} & RRa & {\tt RRa} & ntha & {\tt ntha}\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} n~ca & {\tt n\~{}ca} & lla & {\tt lla} & jn~a & {\tt jn\~{}a}\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} n~n~a & {\tt n\~{}n\~{}a} & LLa & {\tt LLa} & tbha & {\tt tbha}\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} TTa & {\tt TTa} & vva & {\tt vva} & gma & {\tt gma}\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} NTa & {\tt NTa} & shla & {\tt shla} & gda & {\tt gda}\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} NNa & {\tt NNa} & shsha & {\tt shsha} & %gddha & {\tt gddha}\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} -- & --\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} tta & {\tt tta} & sla & {\tt sla} & shca & {\tt shca}\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} ttha & {\tt ttha} & ssa & {\tt ssa} & NDa & {\tt NDa}\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} dda & {\tt dda} & hla & {\tt hla} & NDha & {\tt NDha}\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} ddha & {\tt ddha} & sRRa & {\tt sRRa} & tma & {\tt tma}\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} nta & {\tt nta} & DDa & {\tt DDa} & tna & {\tt tna}\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} nda & {\tt nda} & %kTa & {\tt kTa} & -- & -- & kta & {\tt kta}\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} nna & {\tt nna} & %bdha & {\tt bdha} & -- & -- & gna & {\tt gna}\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} nma & {\tt nma} & %bda & {\tt bda} & -- & -- & nRa & {\tt nRa}\\ \hhline{||--||--||--||} ppa & {\tt ppa} & ccha & {\tt ccha} & STa & {\tt STa}\\ \hhline{|b:==:b:==:b:==:b|} \end{tabular} \end{center} } \end{table} \vfill\eject \subsection{An Example of Malayalam Input} Given below is a typical example of Malayalam input and its compiled output\footnote{Excerpt from ``dakSiNEntyan saMgItaM'' by A.K. Ravindranath}. \subsubsection{The Roman Input} \noindent {\tt } \begin{verbatim} atiprAcInakAlaMmutalkkutanne shabdan"n"aLuTEyuM bhAvahAvAdikaLuTEyuM sahAyattOTukUTi AshayaprakaTanaM naTattAn manuSyaR paThiccukazhin~n~irunnu. manuSyasharIrattinnuLLilttanneyuLLa h.rdayaM, shvAsakOshaM ennI avayavan"n"aLuTe kramaMteRRAteyuLLa calanaM avann tALabOdhattinnuLLa AdyapAThan"n"aL nalkiyirikkaNaM. atupOlettanne prak.rtiyilninnuM avan nityEna kELkkunna saMgItaM---atAyat pakSikaLuTe kaLakUjanan"n"aL, kARRinRe maRmmarashabdaM, tEnIccakaLuTe mULakkaM, ozhukunna veLLattinRe kaLakaLashabdaM, muLan"kATukaLkkiTayilUTe kARRaTikkunpOzhuNTAkunna cULaMviLi, m.rgan"n"aLuTe vividharItiyiluLLa shabdan"n"aL tuTan"n"iyavayellAM---avanRe saMgItAsvAdanashESiyEyuM kramaprav.rddhamAyi vaLaRttikkoNTuvannu. manuSyamastiSkkattinRe vaLaRccayuTe tOtanusaricc madhurasvaran"n"aL kETTAsvadikkAnuLLa ceviyuTe kazhiv dinaMprati vaLaRnnuvannu. jIvitOpAdhikaL sanpAdikkAnuLLa kUTTAya pravaRttanan"n"aLkkiTayil AshayavinimayattinRe AvashyakatayuM tanmUlaM bhASayuM utbhaviccu vikasiccatupOlettanne jIvitaklEshan"n"aLkkiTayil ninnu niR{}v.rtiyuM, kUTTAya addhvAnattinnuLLa pracOdanavuM nETENTa AvashyattinnanusariccAN<<+ manuSyanRe saMgItaparamAya kazhivukaLuM vaLaRnnu vikasiccat. \end{verbatim} \noindent {\tt } \subsubsection{The Malayalam Output} atiprAcInakAlaMmutalkkutanne shabdan"n"aLuTEyuM bhAvahAvAdikaLuTEyuM sahAyattOTukUTi AshayaprakaTanaM naTattAn manuSyaR paThiccukazhin~n~irunnu. manuSyasharIrattinnuLLilttanneyuLLa h.rdayaM, shvAsakOshaM ennI avayavan"n"aLuTe kramaMteRRAteyuLLa calanaM avann tALabOdhattinnuLLa AdyapAThan"n"aL nalkiyirikkaNaM. atupOlettanne prak.rtiyilninnuM avan nityEna kELkkunna saMgItaM---atAyat pakSikaLuTe kaLakUjanan"n"aL, kARRinRe maRmmarashabdaM, tEnIccakaLuTe mULakkaM, ozhukunna veLLattinRe kaLakaLashabdaM, muLan"kATukaLkkiTayilUTe kARRaTikkunpOzhuNTAkunna cULaMviLi, m.rgan"n"aLuTe vividharItiyiluLLa shabdan"n"aL tuTan"n"iyavayellAM---avanRe saMgItAsvAdanashESiyEyuM kramaprav.rddhamAyi vaLaRttikkoNTuvannu. manuSyamastiSkkattinRe vaLaRccayuTe tOtanusaricc madhurasvaran"n"aL kETTAsvadikkAnuLLa ceviyuTe kazhiv dinaMprati vaLaRnnuvannu. jIvitOpAdhikaL sanpAdikkAnuLLa kUTTAya pravaRttanan"n"aLkkiTayil AshayavinimayattinRe AvashyakatayuM tanmUlaM bhASayuM utbhaviccu vikasiccatupOlettanne jIvitaklEshan"n"aLkkiTayil ninnu niR{}v.rtiyuM, kUTTAya addhvAnattinnuLLa pracOdanavuM nETENTa AvashyattinnanusariccAN<<+ manuSyanRe saMgItaparamAya kazhivukaLuM vaLaRnnu vikasiccat. \subsection{More Examples} A number of examples illustrating various uses of the package can be found in the `{\tt examples}' directory. Compiled PDF output of the examples are in `{\tt examples/pdf}'. Following is a list of the available example files: \begin{itemize} \item {\tt sanjayan.mm}: This file contains selected articles from ``Sanjayan vol.1'' published by Mathrubhoomi. \item {\tt mm-pstricks.mm}: Some experiments with Malayalam and PSTricks \item {\tt screen.mm}: Another short example taken from the Mathrubhoomi weekend edition. \end{itemize} \subsection{Things to Remember When Typing} \begin{itemize} \item Commands which use \verb"{...}" (for example \verb"\begin", \verb"\end", \verb"\ref", \verb"\label" etc.) should always be outside {\tt ...} \item All English text and Mathematics must be outside {\tt ...} \item Use of non-cillu letters at the end of words must be explicitly entered. For example, if you type `{\tt AN}' you will get `AN'. To get `AN<<+', you will have to type `\verb"AN<<+"'. This is applicable for other cillu letters also. \item To get words like `paR{}vataM' you have to type '\verb"paR{}vataM"'. If the \verb"{}" is omitted, you will get `paRvataM'. \item `{\tt Rya}' must be used to get `Rya'. (This is a limitation in the pre-processor, which will be rectified in the next release) \end{itemize} \subsection{Using the Pre-processor} \label{sec:preprocess} The file you typed must be pre-processed before feeding it to \LaTeX. A bash script `{\tt mal}' is included in the distribution to make things easier. Its syntax is: \noindent \verb"mal " Available fontname options are: \textbf{rachana} for Rachana old lipi, \textbf{rachana2} for Rachana new lipi (this is the default), \textbf{keli} for the Keli font, \textbf{ildc} for the ILDC fonts, and \textbf{ism} for ISM fonts. If this option is omitted, Rachana new lipi will be used. For example, if you want to pre-process the mm file for use with keli, the command would be: \noindent \verb"mal file.mm keli" For Rachana old lipi: \noindent \verb"mal file.mm rachana" Typing just {\tt mal} at the command prompt gives the syntax and available options. \subsection{Footnotes, Marginpars etc.} The pre-processor changes the default text font at the start of Malayalam text by a special macro `\verb"\mm"'. But this won't affect things like footnotes, marginpars etc. Therefore you have to include `\verb"\mm"' inside these commands. For example, eksAnpiL\footnote{\mm udAharaNaM}, the footnote in the previous word was typeset with {\tt eksAnpiL\verb"\footnote{\mm udAharaNaM}"}. In short, if strange english characters appear anywhere inside a group, add `\verb"\mm"' before it and the problem should be gone. \vfill\eject \section{Miscellany} \subsection{Obsolete Commands} The original Malayalam-\TeX\ included a command ``\verb"\RMF"'' to typeset English matter. That means, you had to type ``\verb"\RMF"'' before every occurence of English text. This is not needed anymore. All text outside {\tt } and {\tt } will be in English. However, the command is retained for backwards compatibility. \subsection{Sending Bug Reports} When reporting bugs, please include the following things along with a clear description of the problem: \begin{itemize} \item The offending sections from the source file. \item The log file generated by \LaTeX . \item If the problem is with the pre-processor, include {\tt mmerr.log} generated by the pre-processing script. \end{itemize} \subsection{Contact Information} \noindent My postal address is: \bigskip \noindent Alex A.J.\\ Lilly Dale\\ Mukkolakkal\\ Nedumangad PO\\ Thiruvananthapuram-695541\\ Kerala, India. \medskip \noindent E-mail: \textbf{malayalamtex@gmail.com} \medskip \noindent Phone : +91 (472) 2800128 (R)\\ \noindent Cell: +91 9947280128 \vfill\eject \appendix \section{Fonts from ILDC CD-ROM} \input ildc.tex \section{Fonts from CDAC ISM} \input ism.tex \end{document}