The AeB Pro --- D. P. Story Dated: 05/09/07 The AeB Pro bundle complements user of the AcroTeX eDucation Bundle. Except as noted in the documentation, aebpro_man.pdf, this bundle is aimed at users of Acrobat Pro 7.0 or later and how use distiller to create PDF. AeB Pro implements a number of new features: (1) AeB Central (this can be used by non-distiller users) (2) Complete support for set up the initial view of the document (3) Extensive support for document actions: document level JS, set document actions (willSave, didSave, etc.) and open document actions. (4) Complete support for page actions (5) Complete support for full screen mode, and all the current transition effects through version 8. (6) Methods to easily attach documents (7) document assembly methods, methods used immediately following distillation. (8) Methods for linking to attachments and launching attachments (9) Support for creating PDF Packages. (10) Initializing fields using unicode. (11) Basic support for layers, rollovers and animations. Extensive examples illustrate all these features. Installation Instructions: Contained in the documentation aebpro_man.pdf Let me know if there are problems or suggested features. e-mail me at or I maintain a web site featuring TeX/LaTeX/PDF stuff called AcroTeX ( There you will find the home web page of the AcroTeX eDucation Bundle. ( My other web site is Now, I simply must get back to my retirement. D. P. Story 05/09/07