% \iffalse meta-comment
% Copyright (C) 2004-2009 by Robert Marik <marik@mendelu.cz>
% ----------------------------------------------------------
% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in:
%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX 
% version 1999/12/01 or later.
% \fi
% \iffalse
    [2009/05/05 v1.5 fancytooltips.dtx  file]
% \fi
% \CheckSum{445}
% \CharacterTable
%  {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
%   Lower-case    \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
%   Digits        \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
%   Exclamation   \!     Double quote  \"     Hash (number) \#
%   Dollar        \$     Percent       \%     Ampersand     \&
%   Acute accent  \'     Left paren    \(     Right paren   \)
%   Asterisk      \*     Plus          \+     Comma         \,
%   Minus         \-     Point         \.     Solidus       \/
%   Colon         \:     Semicolon     \;     Less than     \<
%   Equals        \=     Greater than  \>     Question mark \?
%   Commercial at \@     Left bracket  \[     Backslash     \\
%   Right bracket \]     Circumflex    \^     Underscore    \_
%   Grave accent  \`     Left brace    \{     Vertical bar  \|
%   Right brace   \}     Tilde         \~}
% \changes{v1.0}{2007/02/15}{Initial version}
% \changes{v1.1}{2007/02/20}{Clener code, better documentation, fix
%   for bug with delayinterval macro, support for dvips and DIstiller
%   users.}  
% \changes{v1.2}{2007/03/01}{Better support for dvips users, buttons
%   for icons are created automatically using eso-pic package and have
%   the name "ikona.pagenumber", new option movetips, tooltip appears
%   on the current page only and, as a consequence, animations are
%   faster.}  
% \changes{v1.3}{2007/05/08}{Fixed bug which appears in dvips route.
%   Improved documentation -- added a note about the required version
%   of eforms.sty}
% \changes{v1.4}{2009/04/29}{Added support for presentations (like
%   |pause| command for texpower).}
% \changes{v1.5}{2009/05/05}{Handling number of pages via aux file
%   (fixes some problems issued by previous modification and page
%   break near tooltip).}
% \GetFileInfo{fancytooltips.dtx}
% \DoNotIndex{\newcommand,\newenvironment}
% \title{The \textsf{fancytooltips} package\thanks{This document
%     corresponds to \textsf{fancytooltips}~\fileversion, dated
%     \filedate.} \thanks{Supported by grants 18/2006 and 99/2008 of Higher
%     Education Development Fund (FRV\v S) }} \author{Robert Ma\v r\'\i k \\
%   \texttt{marik@mendelu.cz}}
% \maketitle
% \section{Introduction}
% The package |fancytooltips| is a package for \LaTeX. The pdf can be
% created by pdflatex or by latex + dvips +
% AdobeDistiller\footnote{not free ps2pdf} + Adobe
% Acrobat\footnote{not free Adobe Reader.}. It allows to create
% tooltips in a similar way like |cooltooltips| package, but the
% tooltip is a page from another PDF file. In this way you can use
% mathematics, pictures and animations in your tooltips. The
% resulting PDF file can be used also with free Abobe Reader.
% The \color{black}tooltips are activated by clicking the active area
% on the screen and deactivated after closing page or by moving mouse
% outside the link. You can try the links \tooltip{here}{1}
% (Einstein's formula) and also \tooltipanim{here}{2}{7} (animation --
% numbers from 1 to 6).  You have to use the free Adobe Reader or
% nonfree Adobe Acrobat to see the effect (xpdf, evince and others
% fail to work with JavaScripts). For more examples how the
% presentation may look like see the |example.pdf| and
% |example-min.pdf| files in the |examples| subdirectory.
% The buttons are created using |eforms.sty| which is a part of
% AcroTeX bundle.
% \section{Usage}
% \subsection{The file with tooltips} 
% The file with tooltips is an ordinary pdf file, one tooltip per
% page, tooltips should be in the top right corner at the page, in a
% colored box and the rest of the page should be transparent. If you
% consider to use |movetips| option (see below), then every page
% should have the dimensions equal to the dimensions of the colored
% box with tooltip\footnote{Look at the files \texttt{tooltipy.tex} and
%   \texttt{tooltipy.pdf} from |examples| subdirectory for a simple example
%   how to meet this condition under pdf\LaTeX}. We also provide
% simple cross referencing mechanism to reffer to the tooltips. If the
% pdf file is created by \LaTeX, \DescribeMacro{\keytip} you can
% define keywords to reffer to the pages using |\keytip| command.
% Simply put |\usepackage[createtips]{fancytooltips}| into preamble
% and write \texttt{\string\keytip}\marg{foo} in document. This writes
% information about keyword \meta{foo} and the pagenumber into file
% |fancytips.tex|.
% \subsection{The file with presentation -- pdf\LaTeX users}
% In the file with presentation, the user is responsible
% \begin{itemize}
% \item input either |color| or |xcolor| package in the
%   preamble
% \item \LaTeX{} the file two times (we write some macros into |aux|
%   file).
% \end{itemize}
% This is not comfortable for the user, but everybody uses different
% set of packages and from this reason, this part is left to the user.
% (And among others, the |color| or |xcolor| package is probably
% inputted by the package which is used to build the presentation.)
% \DescribeMacro{filename option} To input the tooltips from file
% \meta{foo.pdf} call the package with |filename| option:
% |\usepackage[filename=foo]{fancytooltips}|.
% \DescribeMacro{movetips option} By default, tooltip appears in the
% top right corner of the page (use View--PageLayout-Single Page in
% your Adobe Reader, please). If the option |movetips| is used, then
% tooltip appears close to the mouse pointer. More preciselly, tooltip
% appears with left down corner at the mouse position, if there is
% enough place. If not, tooltip appears with right down corner at the
% mouse position. Finally, the tooltip is shifted down to fit the
% page, if nesessary\footnote{This option works in this way if every
%   page of the file with tooltips has dimensions of the box with
%   tooltip.  See the \texttt{examples} subdirectory.}.
% \DescribeMacro{mouseover option} If you use |mouseover| option, then
% tooltip appears if you move the mouse pointer to the active area (no
% clicking is necessary).
% \DescribeMacro{\tooltip} The user can put the tooltip into her or
% his presentation using the command
% \texttt{\string\tooltip}{\marg{stuff}\marg{keyword-or-pagenumber}}
% where \meta{stuff} is the printed text in \meta{tooltipcolor} color
% and \meta{keyword-or-pagenumber} is either the pagenumber of the
% tooltip in the external file or the keyword defined by |\keytip|
% command.  \DescribeMacro{\TooltipExtratext} The printed text
% \meta{stuff} is followed by |\TooltipExtratext| command. The default
% value is small blue soap in a box with zero dimensions, as you have
% seen in the second paragraph of this documentation. There is a
% package option |noextratext| which defines |\TooltipExtratext| to be
% empty. \DescribeMacro{noextratext option}
% \DescribeMacro{\tooltipanim} The user can put a series (animation) of
% tooltips into the presentation by using
% \texttt{\string\tooltipanim}\marg{stuff}\marg{start}\marg{end}
% command, where \meta{start} and \meta{end} are keywords defined by
% |\keytip| command or page numbers.  \DescribeMacro{\delayinterval}
% The delay between two frames is |\delayinterval| milliseconds. The
% default value is 200, you can change it by command
% |\def\delayinterval{100}|.
% The file |example.tex| from |exmaples| subdirectory shows, how to
% redefine these macros to gain different behavior, see the demo file
% |example.pdf|.
% \subsection{Changes for dvips users}
% dvips users have to specify option |dvips| in |fancytips| package.
% \DescribeMacro{pages option} They have to use also a |pages| option
% with the number of pages in the PDF file with tooltips. You have to
% call the package by
% something like this:\\
% |\usepackage[dvips,filename=tooltipy,pages=27]{fancytooltips}|
% You have to |latex| (two times) and |dvips| your file first.  This
% produces |filename.ps| and |Tooltipsdljs.fdf| files. Distill the pdf
% file into |filename.pdf| and open this file by Adobe Acrobat - this
% imports macros from |Tooltipsdljs.fdf| file.  In Acrobat's
% JavaScript console (|Crtl+J|) run (|Ctrl+Enter|) the command
% |ImportTooltips();| which is defined for the document and it creates
% invisible buttons on the first page, imports icons (the file with
% icons specified as \meta{filename} parameter when loading
% fancytooltips must be in working directory) and returns 1. Then
% save the file under another name.
% \section{Known problems}
% The package works only with the last |eforms.sty|, version
% 2006/10/03 v1.0a. You can download this version from www.arotex.net
% site. The version on CTAN and in MikTeX repositories is old and this
% package does not work with this old version.
% \StopEventually{}
% \section{Implementation}
%    \begin{macrocode}








\PackageWarning{fancytooltips}{** The filename with tooltips is not given. **}

\def\TooltipExtratext{\hbox to 0 pt{\smash
\def\TooltipExtratext{\hbox to 0 pt{\smash

%    \end{macrocode}
% This part (three lines) is processed if the option |createtips| is
% used. In the opposite case we process the second part, up to the end
% of the package.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\immediate\openout\tipfile fancytips.tex
%    \end{macrocode}
% This part is processed if the option |createtips| is not used. We
% define macros which put the hidden button with the name |ikona.n| in
% the backgoud of the page |n|, if one of the commands |\tooltip| or
% |\tooltipanim| has been used on this page. Javascripts defined by
% |\tooltip| and |\tooltipanim| commands then unhide this button and
% show the corresponding picture.
%    \begin{macrocode}


  \pdfstartlink user{%
    /Subtype /Widget
    /F 6
    /T (ikona.\thepage)
    /FT /Btn
    /Ff 65536
    /H /N
    /BS << /W 1 /S /S >>
    /MK << /TP 1 /IF <</A[1.0 1.0]/SW /B>>  >>
  \vbox to \buttontipheight {\vss\hbox to \buttontipwidth{\hss}}\pdfendlink}
%    \end{macrocode}
% For dvips users we use the macros from eqxerquiz.sty package.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \rawPDF{}\S{}\mkIns{/TP 1 /IF<</A[1.0 1.0]/SW/B>>}\R{0}
  \textColor{0 g}\Ff{\FfReadOnly}

  \expandafter\ifx \csname TooltipPage\thepage\endcsname\relax
  \hbox{\raise \dp0 \box0}
\AddToShipoutPicture{\hbox to 0 pt{\frametip\hss}}
%    \end{macrocode}
% In the macros |\tooltip| and |\tooltipanim| we print the text into
% box with zero dimensions and then we build a button which covers
% this text and has an associated JavaScript action. The important
% part is the |\PushButton| macro. You can adjust these macros or
% write similar macros which do what you need. For some exmaples see
% the file |example.tex| from the examples directory.
%    \begin{macrocode}


\expandafter\gdef\csname TooltipPage#2\endcsname{#2}%
\expandafter\gdef\csname Tooltipcount2page#1\endcsname{#2}%

  \global\advance\tooltip@count by 1%
  \edef\tooltippage{\csname Tooltipcount2page\the\tooltip@count \endcsname}%
  \setbox0=\hbox{{\color{tooltipcolor}{#1}}}\hbox to 0 pt{{\copy0\TooltipExtratext\hss}}%
      try {app.clearInterval(animace);}catch (e) {}
      try {app.clearInterval(animace);}catch (e) {}
  \global\advance\tooltip@count by 1%
  \edef\tooltippage{\csname Tooltipcount2page\the\tooltip@count \endcsname}%
  \setbox0=\hbox{{\color{tooltipcolor}{#1}}}\hbox to 0 pt{{\copy0\TooltipExtratext\hss}}%
      try {app.clearInterval(animace);}catch (e) {}
      var cislo=\TipNumberA;
      function animuj()
        if (cislo<\TipNumberB) cislo=cislo+1;
      animace=app.setInterval('animuj();', \delayinterval);
      try {app.clearInterval(animace);}catch (e) {}
      var cislo=\TipNumberA;
      function animuj()
        if (cislo<\TipNumberB) cislo=cislo+1;
      animace=app.setInterval('animuj();', \delayinterval);
%    \end{macrocode}
% This code closes tooltip if the page is closed.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\def\TooltipPageopencloseJS{  \global\pdfpageattr{%
    /AA << /O << /S /JavaScript /JS (CloseTooltips();) >>  >>}%
     [ {ThisPage} << /AA <<
    /O << /S /JavaScript /JS (CloseTooltips();) >>
    >> >> /PUT pdfmark}}
\OpenAction{/S /JavaScript /JS (CloseTooltips();)}

\begin{insDLJS}[fancyTooltipsLoaded]{Tooltipsdljs}{DLJS for Tooltips}
  var animace;
  var fancyTooltipsLoaded = true;

  function CloseTooltips()
    try {this.getField("ikona").hidden=true;}catch (e) {}
    try {app.clearInterval(animace);}catch (e) {}

  function nastav(cislo,strana)
    var f=this.getField("ikona."+(strana));
    var g=this.getField("animtiph."+cislo);
    var sourf=f.rect;
    var sourg=g.rect;
    if ((mouseX+sourg[2]-sourg[0])<sourf[2])
    var percX=100*(mouseX-sourf[0])/((sourf[2]-sourf[0])-(sourg[2]-sourg[0]));
    var percX=100*(mouseX-sourf[0]-(sourg[2]-sourg[0]))/((sourf[2]-sourf[0])-(sourg[2]-sourg[0]));
    var percY=100*(mouseY-sourf[3])/((sourf[1]-sourf[3])-(sourg[1]-sourg[3]));    
    if (percX>100) percX=100;
    if (percY>100) percY=100;
    if (percX<0) percX=0;
    if (percY<0) percY=0;
  function zobraz(cislo,strana)
    var f=this.getField("ikona."+(strana));
    var g=this.getField("animtiph."+cislo);
\begin{insDLJS}[fancyTooltipsLoaded]{Tooltipsdljs}{DLJS for Tooltips}
  var animace;
  var fancyTooltipsLoaded = true;

  function CloseTooltips()
    try {this.getField("ikona").hidden=true;}catch (e) {}
    try {app.clearInterval(animace);}catch (e) {}

  function ImportTooltips()
    console.println("importing pictures");
    for (var i=1;i<=\TooltipPages;i++)
      var rozm=this.getPageBox("Crop",this.numPages-1);
      var p=this.addField("animtiph."+i,"button",0,rozm);
    console.println("imported \TooltipPages pictures");

  function nastav(cislo,strana)
    var f=this.getField("ikona."+(strana));
    var g=this.getField("animtiph."+cislo);
    var sourf=f.rect;
    var sourg=g.rect;
    if ((mouseX+sourg[2]-sourg[0])<sourf[2])
    var percX=100*(mouseX-sourf[0])/((sourf[2]-sourf[0])-(sourg[2]-sourg[0]));
    var percX=100*(mouseX-sourf[0]-(sourg[2]-sourg[0]))/((sourf[2]-sourf[0])-(sourg[2]-sourg[0]));
    var percY=100*(mouseY-sourf[3])/((sourf[1]-sourf[3])-(sourg[1]-sourg[3]));    
    if (percX>100) percX=100;
    if (percY>100) percY=100;
    if (percX<0) percX=0;
    if (percY<0) percY=0;
  function zobraz(cislo,strana)
    var f=this.getField("ikona."+(strana));
    var g=this.getField("animtiph."+cislo);
%    \end{macrocode}
% A cycle is used to create hidden buttons. Each button has associated a page
% from the file with tooltips as icon. These icons are invoked by JavaScripts
% defined in |\tooltip| and |\tooltipanim| macros.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \@whilenum\count@<\TooltipPages \do{%
    \advance \tooltip@count by 1%
    page \the\tooltip@count{\TooltipFilename.pdf}%
      \vbox to 0 pt{\vss\hbox to 0 pt{\pdfstartlink user{%
        /Subtype /Widget
        /F 6
        /T (animtiph.\the\tooltip@count)
        /FT /Btn
        /Ff 65536
        /H /N
        /BS << /W 1 /S /S >>
        /MK <<
        /TP 1
        /I \the\pdflastximage\space 0 R
        /IF << /SW /A >>
      \phantom{\pdfrefximage \pdflastximage}%
\AddToShipoutPicture*{\hbox to 0 pt{\TooltipHidden}}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The keywords for the tooltips can be stored in the file
% |fancytips.tex|. The topics in this file are created by |\keytip|
% macro (see the first part of the code).
%    \begin{macrocode}
\PackageInfo{fancytooltips}{Inputting fancytips.tex.}}%
  {\PackageWarning{fancytooltips}{No file fancytips.tex! 
      Your keywords for tooltips will not work!}}}

\def\tooltipname#1#2{\expandafter\xdef\csname FancyToolTip@#1\endcsname{#2}}

\def\FindTipNumber#1{\expandafter\ifx \csname FancyToolTip@#1\endcsname\relax
  #1\else\csname FancyToolTip@#1\endcsname\fi}

  \csname FancyToolTip@#1\endcsname\relax \PackageWarning{fancytooltips}{No
    framenumber is assigned to keyword #1. I assume that #1 is the
    number of the frame.}%

%    \end{macrocode}
% \Finale