ginpenc.sty =========== If the package inputenc is used and German Umlauts are input directly, they are converted to \"a etc. This breaks the sort algorithm of makeindex, for instance. This package converts Umlauts and the Sharp s to the short forms, defined by the babel package, e.g. "a, instead, if the text is typeset in German. Copyright 2003 Harald Harders This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either version 1 of the License, or any later version. automatic: - run make - run make install or - run make - copy ginpenc.sty to a place where LaTeX can find it - run texhash or the corresponding command of your distribution by hand: - execute latex on ginpenc.ins - execute latex on ginpenc.dtx (2x) - copy ginpenc.sty and *.gie to a place LaTeX can find them - run texhash or the corresponding command of your distribution ChangeLog: - 1.00 2003/09/29 First official version 2003-09-29 Harald Harders