% file: Exam.txs (TeXsis version 2.16) % $Revision: 16.0 $ : $Date: 1992/08/08 22:20:36 $ : $Author: myers$ %======================================================================* % Just a few macros to make it easier to type up examinations and % homework problems. Example: % % \texsis % \def\CourseName{Physics 231 -- Mathematical Methods} % \def\Semester{Fall 1993}\def\ExamTitle{Test 2} % \input Exam.txs % \noindent % Work all problems, or as many as you can do, and record all answers % below. \n % To insure that you get proper partial credit for incomplete answers show % all your work either here or on another piece of paper. % \medskip\noindent % 100 Points. % % \Questions % % \Q % Determine whether each infinite series below is convergent or divergent % using the \hbox{Malcom~X} method (i.e., by any means necessary!). % Be sure to give your reasons. % \Choices % \Q $S = \sum_{n=1}^\infty {2^n \over (n-1)!}$ % \Q $S = \sum_{n=1}^\infty \left( 1 - {1\over n^2} \right)$ % \Q $S = \sum_{n=3}^\infty {2n-3\over (n-1)(n-2)} $ % \endChoices % % ... % % \endQuestions % \bye % % Note: these are just supposed to help you make up an exam, but not % define the format used. Change these as you like or make up your own, % but I hope they help give you a starting point. % % Eric Myers, 20 September 1994 % Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY %======================================================================* \newskip\Qskip \Qskip=\medskipamount \nopagenumbers \footline={\hss-- \folio\ --\hss} \singlespaced \def\Questions{\bigskip\bigskip \enumNumOutline \enumerate \advance\leftskip by -\EnvLeftskip \everymath={\displaystyle} \def\endmode{\relax} \def\Q{\endmode\def\endmode{\relax}% \medbreak\filbreak \vskip\Qskip \itm}} \def\endQuestions{\filbreak\endenumerate} \def\Choices{\enumerate\def\enummark{\rparen}\parskip=0pt} \def\endChoices{\endenumerate} %======================================================================* \ifx\ExamTitle\undefined\else \line{\hss\ExamTitle\hss} \bigskip\bigskip \line{% \vbox{\hbox{\CourseName}% \hbox{\ }% \hbox{\Semester}% }% \hss \vbox{\hbox{Name:\quad\theBlank{5cm}}% \hbox{\ }% \hbox{Date:\quad\theBlank{4cm}}% }% }% \fi \vskip 1cm %>>> EOF Exam.txs <<<