%% file: WorldSci.txs (TeXsis version 2.16) % $Revision: 16.0 $ : $Date: 1994/05/12 19:47:25 $ : $Author: myers $ %======================================================================* % WorldSci -- TeXsis style file for World-Scientific Publishers % % Thanks to Vladimir Alexiev at the University % of Alberta for suggesting many improvements. This fixes WorldSci.txs % to conform more closely to current publisher's guidelines. (3 May 1994) \ATunlock \emsg{\@comment\ WorldSci: World-Scientific proceedings layouts} %--------------------------------------------------* % \WorldScientific conforms to the layout instructions given by % World Scientific Publishing Co., but see their instructions for futher % details. One thing to keep in mind, they prefer headings of major % sections in CAPITAL LETTERS. \def\WorldScientific{% Document layout for World Scientific Proceedings \hsize=150mm % horizontal page size \vsize=220mm % vertical page size \paper % everything is like \paper, except... \showchaptIDfalse\showsectIDfalse % consecutively number equations \nopagenumbers % turn off page numbering % Title is 14 pt bold centered \def\Tbf{\fourteenpoint\bf}% % title is 14pt bold \def\Title{% % World Sci title \endmode % end any previous field \vbox{\vskip1cm}% % skip down 1cm \bgroup % open \title group \let\endmode=\endTitle % will end \title \center\Tbf}% % centered, title boldface \let\title=\Title % synonym \let\@@endTitle=\endTitle % save it \def\endTitle{\@@endTitle % old stuff \vskip-\bigskipamount % but with less skip \vskip\medskipamount}% % % Author is 12 pt bold centered, but address is 10 pt italic \let\@getauthor=\@getauthWS % % Abstract is indented, 10 pt \def\abstract{% % for \WorldScientific \endmode % end previous field \bgroup % begin abstract group \let\endmode=\endabstract % \singlespaced\whitespaced% % \leftskip=1.5cm\rightskip=1.5cm% \vskip\baselineskip % \centerline{ABSTRACT}% % \smallskip% % \tenpoint}% % % Captions should be 10 pt \let\@ldcaption=\caption % save it \def\caption##1{% % and redefine \tenpoint\@ldcaption{##1}}% % using 10 pt default % Sections... \let\chapter=\section % no chapters \sectionminspace=3\baselineskip % fit more on a page \sectionskip=0.7cm % ditto \subsectionskip=0.5cm % ditto \def\tbf{\fourteenpoint\bf} % section heading is 14 pt bold % Although figures and tables do not bear the section number, % sections themselves should be numbered \def\everysection{% % for every section: small reset \global\edef\@fullID{\the\sectionnum.\space\space}% \global\subsectionnum=\z@ % reset section counters... \global\subsubsectionnum=\z@}% % ...but not equations, etc \def\everysubsection{% % executed for every subsection \global\edef\@fullID{\the\sectionnum.\the\subsectionnum.\space\space}% \global\subsubsectionnum=\z@ % reset \let\@bf=\bf \let\bf=\it}% % subsections are italic not bold \def\everysubsubsection{ % executed for every subsubsection \global\edef\@fullID{\the\sectionnum.% \the\subsectionnum.\the\subsubsectionnum.\space\space}% \let\@bf=\bf \let\bf=\it}% % subsections are italic not bold \def\aftersection{% % after \section \vskip-4pt\nobreak}% % reduce skip \def\aftersubsection{% % after \sub(sub)section \vskip-4pt% % reduce skip \nobreak % don't allow break \let\bf=\@bf} % unalias \bf % make figure, table, equation numbers not include the section number \let\@LabelParse=\LabelParse \def\LabelParse{\def\@sectID{}\@LabelParse} % Footnotes should be 9 pt. Use \Footnote \def\FootFont{\ninepoint}% % like it says % References \def\refFormat{% % reference format \def\refskip{\vskip0pt plus 2pt}% % no skip but some stretch \tenpoint}% % and 10pt } % \@getauthor for World Scientific {\obeylines\gdef\@getauthWS#1 #2 {#1\bigskip\def\n{\egroup\centerline\bgroup\bf}% % \centerline{\bf #2}% % first line is author's name, \medskip\center% % next lines are affiliation/address \tenpoint\it}% % 10 pt italic } \ATlock %>>> EOF WorldSci.txs <<<