% file: nuclproc.txs TeXsis version 2.15 % $Revision: 15.1 $ : $Date: 92/06/30 14:31:53 $ : $Author: myers $ %======================================================================* % TeXsis - Nuclear Physics Proceedings : This file is a part ot TeXsis % (C) Copyright 1992 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige %======================================================================* % \nuclproc is a double column format with titles in upper case and left % justified, twelve point type, etc., for camera-ready copy. % Constructed following directions in ``Instructions for the Preparation % and Typing of Camera Ready Contributions'' by Mary Carpenter, Elsevier % Publishers. \ATunlock \def\nuclproc{% Nuclear Physics Proceedings style \texsis % initialize \emsg{\@comment\ nuclproc: Nuclear Physics Proceedings style}% \setdoublecolumns{19.3cm}{26cm}{9cm}% \advance\voffset by -1.2cm \relax % as close to the top as possible \advance\hoffset by -1.4cm \relax % as close to the left as possible \auxswitchtrue % save tags and labels in .aux file \refswitchtrue % save references in .ref file \def\Tbf{\fourteenpoint\fourteenss\uppercase}% Title typestyle (takes args!) \def\tbf{\twelvepoint\it\uppercase}% % section head typestyle % \twelvepoint % twelve point type size \twelvess % but SANS SERIF font \parindent=0.6cm % paragraph indent \autoparens % auto-sizing of parens \quoteon % automatic begin/end quotes \nopagenumbers % don't print page numbers \singlespaced\whitespaced % 1.25 percent spacing % \def\titlepage{% % for \nuclproc \hbox{\ }% % anchor to top of page \vskip 0.50cm % whitespace above title \begingroup % title material in group \let\endmode=\relax % \endmode will end a field \narrower\parindent=0pt}% % % \def\endtitlepage{% % for \nuclproc \endmode % end any open field \smallskip % \endgroup % end title material \doublecolumns % text is in double columns \singlespaced\whitespaced} % 1.25 percent spacing % \def\title{% begin title for \nuclproc \endmode % end previous field, if any \mark{Title Page\NX\else Title Page}% % so \HeadLine doesn't print \bgroup % begin title group \def\endmode{\endtitle}% % how to end this mode \widenspacing % a little wider spacing \flushleft % left justified \Tbf{}% % } % \def\endtitle{% end the title for \nuclproc \endflushleft % \egroup % end title group \bigskip}% % % \def\author{% name of author for \nuclproc \endmode % end any previous field \bgroup\narrower % margins \let\endmode=\endauthor % set up ending \flushleft % flush left \NHgetauthor}% % get author's name from next line % \def\endauthor{% end \author for \nuclproc \endflushleft % end flush left \vskip\normalbaselineskip % skip one line \egroup}% % end author group % \def\and{\smallskip{and}\smallskip}% % % \def\abstract{% % for \nuclproc \endmode % end any open field \bigskip % skip down some \bgroup % mode is local \let\endmode=\endabstract % how to end this mode \singlespaced\noindent}% % % \def\endabstract{% end \abstract for \nuclproc \medskip\egroup\bigskip}% % } % \NHgetauthor is like \getauthor but left justifies and skips % one line after author's name. {\obeylines \gdef\NHgetauthor#1 #2 {#1\vskip0pt\noindent{ #2}% % author line \def\\{\discretionary{}{}{,}}% % , unless line breaks \def\n{\break}% \vskip\normalbaselineskip % blank line \singlespaced}% } \def\@longequation{ \enddoublecolumns \leftcolrule \def\endlongequation{\@endlongequation}} \def\@endlongequation{ \rightcolrule % with the rule at top of right column \doublecolumns} % then back to double column mode \ATlock %>>> EOF nuclproc.txs <<<