Info2: << Package: roofitcore-%type_pkg[root_version] Type: root_version (root3 root4) Description: Toolkit for modeling physics event distributions DescDetail: << The core package provides tools to perform likelihood fits, produce plots, and generate "toy Monte Carlo" samples for various physics studies. The RooFit tools are integrated with the object-oriented and interactive ROOT graphical environment. RooFit has been developed for the BaBar collaboration, a high energy physics experiment at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, and is primarily targeted to the high-energy physicists using the ROOT analysis environment, but the general nature of the package make it suitable for adoption in different disciplines as well. << Homepage: Version: 1.00.04 Revision: 1 Maintainer: Remi Mommsen GCC: 3.3 BuildDependsOnly: false BuildDepends: dlcompat-dev Depends: << %N-shlibs (=%v-%r), %type_raw[root_version] | %type_raw[root_version]-cernlib | (%type_raw[root_version]=root3) root3-threaded << Conflicts: roofitcore, roofitcore4, roofitcore-root3, roofitcore-root4 Replaces: roofitcore, roofitcore4, roofitcore-root3, roofitcore-root4 Recommends: roofitmodels-%type_raw[root_version] License: BSD Source: mirror:sourceforge:roofit/RooFitCore_V01-00-04.tgz Source-MD5: e7b441c941c7387e37a83cc073f7e4ba SourceDirectory: RooFitCore PatchScript: sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' <%a/roofitcore.patch | sed 's|@VERSION@|%v|g' | patch -p1 CompileScript: make -f GNUmakefile.standalone InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/lib/root install -m 644 tmp/ %i/lib/root ln -s libRooFitCore.1.0.dylib %i/lib/root/libRooFitCore.dylib mkdir -p %i/include/root/RooFitCore install -m 644 tmp/RooFitCore/*.hh %i/include/root/RooFitCore << DescPackaging: << This package has a somewhat unorthodox split-off due to the fact that root relies on a C++ interpreter. Thus the header files are needed to run root interactively and it does not make sense to single the header files out into another split-off (roofitcore-dev for example) which cannot be declared BuildDependsOnly anyway. << SplitOff: << Package: %N-shlibs Description: Shared libs of RooFitCore built against %type_raw[root_version] Depends: << dlcompat-shlibs, %type_raw[root_version]-shlibs | %type_raw[root_version]-cernlib-shlibs | (%type_raw[root_version]=root3) root3-threaded-shlibs << Conflicts: roofitcore-shlibs, roofitcore4-shlibs, roofitcore-root3-shlibs, roofitcore-root4-shlibs Replaces: roofitcore-shlibs, roofitcore4-shlibs, roofitcore-root3-shlibs, roofitcore-root4-shlibs InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/lib/root install -m 644 tmp/libRooFitCore.*.dylib %i/lib/root ln -s libRooFitCore.1.0.dylib %i/lib/root/libRooFitCore.1.dylib << Shlibs: << %p/lib/root/libRooFitCore.1.dylib 1.0.0 roofitcore-%type_raw[root_version] (>=1.00.03-1) << << <<