Package: num-utils Version: 0.1 Revision: 1 Source: Source-MD5: 2aeaf429db901438e40104fb6b4a88e7 CompileScript: make RPMDIR="" InstallScript: make install RPMDIR="" BINDIR=%i/bin MANDIR=%i/share/man/man1 DOCDIR=%i/share/doc/%n DocFiles: CHANGELOG COPYING GOALS LICENSE MANIFEST README VERSION WARNING Description: Command-line utils for dealing with numbers DescDetail: << The 'num-utils' are a set of programs for dealing with numbers from the Unix command line. Much like the other Unix command line utilities like grep, awk, sort, cut, etc. these utilities work on data from both standard in and data from files. The utility set currently includes the following programs: * average: A program for calculating the average of numbers. * bound: Finds the boundary numbers (min and max) of input. * numgrep: Like normal grep, but for sets of numbers. * numprocess: Do mathmatical operations on numbers. * numsum: Add up all the numbers. * random: Generate a random number from a given expression. * range: Generate a set of numbers in a range expression. * round: Round each number according to it's value. << Homepage: Maintainer: Ben Hines License: GPL