Package: system-ghostscript8 Version: 8.13 Revision: 1 Conflicts: ghostscript, ghostscript6, ghostscript-nox, ghostscript6-nox, system-ghostscript6, system-ghostscript7 Replaces: system-ghostscript Provides: ghostscript Type: nosource Maintainer: Dave Morrison Description: Placeholder package for manually installed ghostscript 8.13 DescDetail: << Install this package if you have ghostscript v.8 installed manually, for example, using Gerben Wierda's i-Installer application. << CompileScript: << echo "This public domain package creates links from a ghostscript installation in" > README echo "/usr/local to appropriate locations in the fink tree." >> README << InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/bin mkdir -p %i/share/man/man1 for file in bdftops dvipdf eps2eps font2c gs gsbj gsdj gsdj500 gslj gslp gsnd pdf2dsc pdf2ps pdfopt pf2afm pfbtopfa printafm ps2ascii ps2epsi ps2pdf ps2pdf12 ps2pdf13 ps2pdf14 ps2pdfwr ps2ps wftopfa; do ln -s /usr/local/bin/$file %i/bin; done for file in dvipdf.1 eps2eps.1 font2c.1 gs.1 gsbj.1 gsdj.1 gsdj500.1 gslj.1 gslp.1 gsnd.1 pdf2dsc.1 pdf2ps.1 pdfopt.1 pf2afm.1 pfbtopfa.1 printafm.1 ps2ascii.1 ps2epsi.1 ps2pdf.1 ps2pdf12.1 ps2pdf13.1 ps2pdfwr.1 ps2ps.1 wftopfa.1; do ln -s /usr/local/man/man1/$file %i/share/man/man1; done mkdir -p %i/share/doc/ mkdir -p %i/share/ghostscript/%v ln -s /usr/local/share/ghostscript/%v/doc %i/share/doc/ghostscript ln -s /usr/local/share/ghostscript/%v/examples %i/share/ghostscript/%v/examples ln -s /usr/local/share/ghostscript/%v/lib %i/share/ghostscript/%v/lib << DocFiles: README License: Public Domain PreInstScript: << echo # check for ghostscript installation. if [ -d /usr/local/share/ghostscript/%v ]; then echo "It looks like you may have ghostscript installed .. will check for some files .." echo elif [ -d /usr/local/share/ghostscript/6.01 ]; then echo "It looks like you have ghostscript version 6 installed in /usr/local." echo "You should install the system-ghostscript6 package instead of this one." exit 1 else echo "You don't have ghostscript version %v installed in /usr/local. Install" echo "the ghostscript package instead." exit 1 fi # check for some needed files if [ ! -f "/usr/local/bin/gs" ]; then echo "You don't a valid ghostscript installation; you were missing" echo "/usr/local/bin/gs. Install the ghostscript package instead." fi echo "Valid ghostscript installation detected." echo <<