Package: commons-httpclient Version: 2.0.2 Revision: 1 Type: java(1.4) Source: mirror:apache:jakarta/commons/httpclient/source/%n-%v-src.tar.gz Source-MD5: f3ae7736fbfb559cb228291427f22c2d SourceDirectory: %n-%v BuildDepends: ant (>= 1.6.1-2), ant-junit (>= 1.6.1-2), commons-logging (>= 1.0.4-1), fink (>= 0.22.2-1), fink-mirrors (>=, jakarta-servletapi, jce, system-java14-dev Depends: commons-logging (>= 1.0.4-1), jakarta-servletapi, jce, system-java14 | system-java15 CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ex mkdir lib ant dist << JarFiles: dist/*.jar InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n (cd dist/docs; gnutar -cf - .) | (cd %i/share/doc/%n; gnutar -xf -) find %i/share/doc/%n -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; find %i/share/doc/%n -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; << DocFiles: LICENSE* README* Homepage: Maintainer: Benjamin Reed Description: Jakarta Commons - HTTP Client DescDetail: << Although the package provides basic functionality for accessing resources via HTTP, it doesn't provide the full flexibility or functionality needed by many applications. The Jakarta Commons HttpClient component seeks to fill this void by providing an efficient, up-to-date, and feature-rich package implementing the client side of the most recent HTTP standards and recommendations. << License: BSD