Package: atlas Version: 3.4.1 Revision: 2 Description: Portably optimal linear algebra software DescDetail: << The current version provides a complete BLAS and LAPACK API. For many operations, ATLAS achieves performance on par with machine-specific tuned libraries. Files installed: cblas.h : The C header file for the C interface to the BLAS. liblapack.a : The LAPACK routines provided by ATLAS, plus the rest of LAPACK from libcblas.a : The ANSI C interface to the BLAS. libf77blas.a : The Fortran77 interface to the BLAS. libatlas.a : The main ATLAS library, providing low-level routines for all interface libs. << DescPort: << The optimized subset of LAPACK provided by ATLAS is merged with the full LAPACK from << DescUsage: << Order is important when linking! Use: -L%p/lib -llapack -lcblas -lf77blas -latlas Must be run interactively (asks a lot of questions, use default answers unless you really know what you are doing). For "architecture" choose "UNKNOWN" if you have a G3, "G4" if you have a G4. << Source: mirror:custom:math-atlas/%n%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: fb07860587600134b291f46a25bc29a2 CustomMirror: << nam-US: nam-US: eur-BE: << Source2: Source2-MD5: a24f59304f87b78cdc7da2ae59c98664 License: BSD BuildDepends: g77 (>= 3.1-20020420-1) SourceDirectory: ATLAS Patch: %n.patch CompileScript: << (cd ../LAPACK; sed 's|-funroll-all-loops -fno-f2c -O3|-funroll-all-loops -O3|g' < INSTALL/ >; cd SRC; make all) (make CC=cc config; export ARCH=`ls -1t Make* | head -n 1 | cut -f2 -d"."`; cp ../LAPACK/lapack_LINUX.a lib/$ARCH/liblapack.a; mv Make.$ARCH Make.$ARCH.orig; sed 's|gcc|cc|g' < Make.$ARCH.orig > Make.$ARCH; make install arch=$ARCH) << InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/lib mkdir -p %i/include mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n (export ARCH=`ls -1t Make* | head -n 1 | cut -f2 -d"."`; ranlib lib/$ARCH/lib*a; cp lib/$ARCH/lib*a %i/lib) cp include/cblas.h %i/include cp doc/* %i/share/doc/%n cp README %i/share/doc/%n head -n 31 config.c > %i/share/doc/%n/LICENSE << PostInstScript: << ranlib %p/lib/libatlas.a ranlib %p/lib/libcblas.a ranlib %p/lib/libf77blas.a ranlib %p/lib/liblapack.a ranlib %p/lib/libtstatlas.a << Homepage: Maintainer: None