Package: tkcvs Version: 8.0.3 Revision: 1 Description: GUI for Subversion and CVS License: GPL Maintainer: Christian Schaffner # Dependencies: Depends: tcltk (>= 8.4.1-2) BuildDepends: tcltk-dev (>= 8.4.1-2) Provides: tkdiff # Unpack Phase: Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n_8_0_3.tar.gz Source-MD5: f02a40b84ac7c8de7f24acbcac066207 # Patch Phase: Patch: %n.patch # Compile Phase: CompileScript: << echo nothing to compile << # Install Phase: DocFiles: CHANGELOG COPYING FAQ INSTALL InstallScript: << ./doinstall.tcl -nox -finallib %p/lib %i /usr/bin/install -d %i/share /usr/bin/install -d %i/share/man /usr/bin/install -d %i/share/man/man1 mv %i/man/man1/%n.1 %i/share/man/man1/%n.1 rm -r %i/man /usr/bin/install -m 755 tkdiff-svn-wrapper %i/bin/tkdiff-svn-wrapper << # Additional Info DescDetail: << TkCVS is a Tcl/Tk-based graphical interface to the CVS and Subversion configuration management systems. It will also help with RCS. The user interface is consistent across Unix/Linux, Windows, and MacOS X. TkDiff is included for browsing and merging your changes. TkCVS shows the status of the files in the current working directory, and has tools for tagging, merging, importing, exporting, checking in/out, and other user operations. TkCVS also aids in browsing the repository. For Subversion, the repository tree is browsed like an ordinary file tree. For CVS, the CVSROOT/modules file is read. TkCVS extends CVS with a method to produce a "user friendly" listing of modules by using special comments in the CVSROOT/modules file. The graphical 2 and 3-way diff/merge tool TkDiff is included in this package and can be used by itself. It has integrated support for AccuRev/CM, CVS, Perforce, PVCS, RCS, SCCS, and SVN (subversion). << DescUsage: << Remote repositories are supported, although the login step must be done at the commandline. Then type 'tkcvs' to start up TkCVS You can put personal preferences in a file called .tkcvs in your home directory. User interface preferences should usually go there. Type 'man tkcvs' to get help. Type 'tkdiff' and open the help menu for more information about TkDiff. TkDiff might also be used as an external diff command for Subversion (svn) via an included wrapper. If you have svn installed add this line to your '~/.subversion/config' file under the '[helpers]' section: diff-cmd = tkdiff-svn-wrapper << Homepage: