Package: mftrace Version: 1.2.4 Revision: 2 Maintainer: Matthias Neeracher BuildDepends: libkpathsea4 | system-tetex Depends: python24, libkpathsea4-shlibs | system-tetex, tetex3-base | system-tetex, potrace, t1utils, fontforge (>= 20050624-1) Source: Source-MD5: 8abde3284dc7dc25c829bd4262f836ee ConfigureParams: --mandir='${prefix}/share/man' CompileScript: << PYTHON=%p/bin/python2.4 ./configure %c make << DocFiles: README.txt Description: Scalable PostScript Fonts for MetaFont DescDetail: << mftrace is a small Python program that lets you trace a TeX bitmap font into a PFA or PFB font (A PostScript Type1 Scalable Font) or TTF (TrueType) font. Scalable fonts offer many advantages over bitmaps, as they allow documents to render correctly at many printer resolutions. Moreover, Ghostscript can generate much better PDF, if given scalable PostScript fonts. << DescPackaging: << Although mftrace could work with autotrace instead of potrace, the latter is much faster, so we go with potrace. << License: GPL Homepage: