Package: odcctools Version: 590 Revision: 20060413 Maintainer: None Source: Source-MD5: 65a31df6a796be999d2b06fde6c0ae26 SourceDirectory: %N-%r SetCPPFLAGS: -D_MACH_I386_THREAD_STATUS_FPSTATE_LEGACY_FIELD_NAMES_ -D_ARCHITECTURE_I386_FPU_FPSTATE_LEGACY_FIELD_NAMES_ CompileScript: ./configure --prefix=%p/lib/odcctools; make InstallScript: make install DESTDIR=%d Description: Darwin cctools build system/code base to support gcc4 DescDetail: << Darwin cctools has several components, including the assembler as(1), the static linker ld(1), various tools for manipulating and analyzing Mach-O and fat files, and support libraries. << DocFiles: APPLE_LICENSE RelNotes/* License: OSI-Approved Homepage: