Info2: << Package: setuptools-py%type_pkg[python] Type: python (2.4) Version: 0.6c3 Revision: 2 Source: Source-MD5: 76cb98b779d356c64323125490f88d17 Depends: python%type_pkg[python] Description: EasyInstall and python eggs Maintainer: Kurt Schwehr DocFiles: EasyInstall.txt PKG-INFO api_tests.txt pkg_resources.txt setuptools.txt CompileScript: << echo Skipping compile stage << InstallScript: << %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] install --root=%d --single-version-externally-managed rm %i/bin/easy_install << LICENSE: OSI-Approved HomePage: DescDetail: << setuptools is a collection of enhancements to the Python distutils (for Python 2.3.5 and up on most platforms; 64-bit platforms require a minimum of Python 2.4) that allow you to more easily build and distribute Python packages, especially ones that have dependencies on other packages. Packages built and distributed using setuptools look to the user like ordinary Python packages based on the distutils. Your users don't need to install or even know about setuptools in order to use them, and you don't have to include the entire setuptools package in your distributions. By including just a single bootstrap module (an 8K .py file), your package will automatically download and install setuptools if the user is building your package from source and doesn't have a suitable version already installed. << DescPort: << Skips using the egg and pth style install to make fink packagers' lives easier. Thanks to Phillip J. Eby for help with packaging setuptools. May need to add support for /bin/easy_install that tracks the version of python. Hopefully since everything is "externally-managed" this will not be necessary. << # Info2 <<