Package: cicb Version: 5.1.0 Revision: 5 Maintainer: William Dell Wisner Source: Source-MD5: 7ffe712d2606ee2295aee2b3f1f3aec7 Depends: readline-shlibs (>= 4.3-5), tcltk-shlibs BuildDepends: readline (>= 4.3-5), tcltk-dev Patch: %n.patch CompileScript: << ./configure %c perl -pi -e 's|(#define SERVERLIST ).*|\1 "%p/share/icbserverdb"|' config.h make << DocFiles: COPYING CUTE_MESSAGES README README.COLOR TRIGGERS Description: ICB chat client DescDetail: << Text-mode client for Internet Citizen's Band chat system. << DescPackaging: << tputs/libtermcap configure check is disabled. Other configure checks patched to use darwin's .dylib shared library suffix. Rename local function to avoid collision with global getservbyname(). Fix dangling label. Remember to pass CPPFLAGS to cpp Move typedef to before the #include of a .h that uses that type Add some .h so we don't have implicit prototypes It's impossible to avoid mixing fink vs system headers by trying to force system tcl, so use fink's Move compiling into the compile phase Look for servser database where it is << License: GPL Homepage: