Package: geda-symbols Epoch: 1 Version: 1.2.1 Revision: 10 BuildDepends: << transfig, ghostscript | ghostscript-nox | ghostscript6 | ghostscript6-nox << # ghostscript for ps2pdf, transfig for fig2dev CustomMirror: << nam-US: eur-SE: << Source: mirror:custom:%n-%v.tar.gz SourceDirectory: %n-%v Source-MD5: 5da85fcbe1f0b83eaf6120a5307b9b67 ConfigureParams: --with-rcdir=%p/etc/gEDA InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%N << DocFiles: AUTHORS NEWS README TODO COPYING Description: GNU EDA -- symbol files DescDetail: << GNU Electronic Design Automation software. This package contains schematic symbol files for geda-gschem. The symbol files represent common electrical components which are typically used in schematics. New symbols may be submitted via the gEDA home page. << DescPackaging: << $LastChangedRevision: 455 $ in my local SVN repository. << License: GPL Homepage: Maintainer: Charles Lepple