Package: mizar Version: 7.8.03-4.75.958 Revision: 3 Description: Build and check first-order formal proofs DescDetail: << The Mizar project started around 1973 as an attempt to reconstruct mathematical vernacular in a computer-oriented environment. Since then a vast number of articles, representing formal developments of various parts of mathematics, have been written. Accompanying this library of proofs is a verification system for checking the correctness of a proof. Installing this package will install the Mizar binaries (which are used to check proofs for correctness), user documentation, and the MML (Mizar Mathematical Library). << Maintainer: Jesse Alama Homepage: Source: Source-MD5: f5e693a5fc4e8b926de3837db051f1c5 Suggests: mizar-semantic-mml NoSourceDirectory: true DocFiles: README License: Commercial CompileScript: << << InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/bin tar Cxfz %i/bin mizbin.tar.gz mkdir -p %i/share/doc/mizar tar Cxfz %i/share/doc/mizar mizdoc.tar.gz mkdir -p %i/share/mizar tar Cxfz %i/share/mizar mizshare.tar.gz # Clean up unneeded stuff related to emacs -- these files are included # in another package (mizar-mode) rm %i/share/doc/mizar/.emacs rm %i/share/mizar/mizar.el mv %i/bin/prune %i/bin/prune.mizar <<