Info2: << Package: polymake Version: 2.2 Revision: 5 Description: Framework for experimental discrete geometry DescDetail: << Polymake is a versatile framework for experimental discrete geometry. The standard distribution contains tool collections for the algorithmic treatment of polytopes and polyhedra, polyhedral surfaces, and finite simplicial complexes. It offers an unified interface to a wide variety of algorithms and free software packages from the computational geometry field, such as convex hull computation or visualization tools. Polymake is highly adaptable to individual needs. In particular, it has a C++/perl interface which allows the user to bind his/her own algorithms into the common framework. << HomePage: Maintainer: Ewgenij Gawrilow License: GPL DescUsage: << Refer to the HTML documentation stored under /sw/share/doc/polymake/, starting with the User's Guide and applications' Tutorials. Run ``polymake --help'' to get the command line summary. << Source: Source-MD5: a57baa722c654eed799047d1def4559e Source2: Source2-MD5: 17466aabc080d8ccc3724bc79bfb87f0 Depends: gmp-shlibs (>= 4.0.0), polymake-pm581 (=%v-%r), macosx (<< 10.4.0) BuildDepends: << gcc3.3, gmp (>= 4.0.0), perl581-core | system-perl (=5.8.1), macosx (<< 10.4.0) << GCC: 3.3 Suggests: gmp (>= 4.0.0) Conflicts: polymake-dev (<< 2.2-1), num-utils, gmt Replaces: polymake-dev (<< 2.2-1) PatchScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev for pn in 1; do patch -p0 <../%n-%v-p${pn}.diff done /usr/bin/perl -n -i -e '/dl_load_flags/ || print' perl/Poly/ #for pn in 2; do # bzcat ../%n-%v-p${pn}.diff.bz2 | patch -p0 #done << DescPackaging: << The package structure is as follows: The head package polymake is an almost empty placeholder. It contains the documentation only. It depends on the package polymake-common, which consists of compiled C++ programs and text files, as well as on the little perl-dependent packages polymake-pmNNN. In order to run polymake, one polymake-pm package is needed, which matches exactly the current system perl version. This special release is constrained to be used on MacOS 10.3 only. << CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev eval perl_default_`/usr/bin/perl -V:version` case $perl_default_version in 5.8.1) ;; *) echo "The current perl version $perl_default_version does not occur in;" echo "please refer to the DescPackaging section in the info file." false ;; esac rm -f build*/conf.make { echo CC=gcc-3.3 echo CXX=g++-3.3 echo Cflags="$CPPFLAGS" echo CXXflags="$CPPFLAGS" echo LDflags="-w $LDFLAGS" echo InstallTop=%p/share/%n echo InstallArch=%p/lib/%n echo InstallDoc=%p/share/doc/%n echo InstallLinks=%p/bin echo Arch=darwin } | make configure PERL=/usr/bin/perl make all PERL=/usr/bin/perl << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev make install install-devel PERL=/usr/bin/perl DESTDIR=%d # create perlx subdirs for other perl versions eval perl_default_`/usr/bin/perl -V:version` for perl_version in 5.8.1; do if [ "$perl_version" != "$perl_default_version" ]; then make install-perlx PERL=perl"$perl_version" DESTDIR=%d fi done << DocFiles: COPYING SplitOff: << Package: %N-common Description: Polymake common components Files: lib/%N/{apps,modules,lib,Makefile} bin/* share/%N DocFiles: COPYING ConfFiles: %p/lib/%N/Makefile << SplitOff2: << Type: perl (5.8.1) Package: %N-pm%type_pkg[perl] Description: Polymake components requiring a special perl version Depends: polymake-common (=%v-%r), perl%type_pkg[perl]-core | system-perl (=%type_raw[perl]) Files: lib/%N/perlx/%type_raw[perl] DocFiles: COPYING << <<