Package: qhull Version: 2002.1 Revision: 10 Description: Calculate convex hulls and related structures License: BSD Maintainer: Stefan Langerman Source: Source-MD5: c86d0a6356929b44a3cc8a0ab80a78a4 SourceDirectory: qhull%v Patch: %n.patch CompileScript: << (cd src; make) << InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/bin/ mkdir -p %i/share/man/man1/ (cd src; make install BINDIR=%i/bin MANDIR=%i/share/man/man1) mkdir -p %i/lib/ mv src/libqhull.a %i/lib/ mkdir -p %i/include/qhull mv src/*.h %i/include/qhull << DocFiles: Announce.txt COPYING.txt README.txt REGISTER.txt Homepage: DescDetail: << Qhull computes convex hulls, Delaunay triangulations, halfspace intersections about a point, Voronoi diagrams, furthest-site Delaunay triangulations, and furthest-site Voronoi diagrams. It runs in 2-d, 3-d, 4-d, and higher dimensions. It implements the Quickhull algorithm for computing the convex hull. Qhull handles roundoff errors from floating point arithmetic. It computes volumes, surface areas, and approximations to the convex hull. <<