Package: xmolwt Version: 0.7 Revision: 14 Maintainer: None Source: Source-MD5: 2bbd0b80595d768e0ea286dca69955a1 Depends: << app-defaults, atk1-shlibs, glib2-shlibs, gtk+2-shlibs, libgettext3-shlibs, libiconv, pango1-xft2-shlibs, x11 << BuildDepends: << atk1, glib2-dev, gtk+2-dev, libgettext3-dev, libiconv-dev, pango1-xft2-dev, pkgconfig, x11-dev << PatchScript: << echo "Constructing source tarball to comply with license terms..." cd .. && tar -czvf %n-%v.tar.gz %n-%v << CompileScript: make -f Makefile.gtk GTKCONFIG='%p/bin/pkg-config gtk+-2.0' InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/bin install -c gmolwt %i/bin cd %i/bin; ln -s gmolwt molwt mkdir -p %i/etc/app-defaults install -c Xmolwt %i/etc/app-defaults << DocFiles: Readme *.html *.gif ../%n-%v.tar.gz Description: Molecular weight calculator DescUsage: << Type at the command prompt 'gmolwt' for the gtk-gui version or 'molwt' for the command line version. << DescPackaging: << Originally packaged by Matt Stephenson. From Readme: DISTRIBUTION: source code free From xmolwt-e.html: Distribution policy Copyright (c), 1998-2001, Ryo MIYAMOTO, All rights reserved. Re-distribution is permitted, if all source codes and documents are included in the packed archive. << License: Restrictive Homepage: